
Bird Cherry

Bird Cherry is the husband of Acerola Cherry and the father of Black Cherry and Wild Cherry. Bird Cherry owns the peaceful bird sanctuary that his daughters love to play in while his wife makes medicine. Bird Cherry may look aggressive but he is the kindest biggest hearted man that takes care sick creatures and people who need help. Even though Bird Cherry helps the people, they still shun him and they talk behind his back. Some people still judge Bird Cherry of his past. Years ago before Bird Cherry was married, while driving around in town, Bird Cherry heard someone screaming for help. Like he always does, Bird Cherry got out his car and ran to find the screaming victim. Arriving too late, Bird Cherry found and the young girl bleeding, the attacker was gone. Without a moment to lose, Bird Cherry placed the little girl into his car and drove as fast as he could to the hospital. While driving, a small boy ran after his puppy, Bird Cherry hit the breaks but it was too late. The car hit the boy killing him instantly. Bird Cherry looked in the back to see if the girl was alright but she was already dead. People gathered around to see, what Bird Cherry didn't know is that the little boy he accidentally hit was the son of King Raspberry. Bird Cherry was sentenced to life in prison, but Evilcherry's father managed to bring the sentence down to four years. Four years later, Bird Cherry got out of prison and left to go back home. While walking, Bird Cherry saw a dark woman jumping up and down to get the pears growing in a tree. Bird Cherry lifted her up and she got what she needed. It was the first time Bird Cherry met Acerola Cherry, a few months later, Bird Cherry married Acerola Cherry.