
Candied Cherry

A bright cheerful young girl, Candied Cherry lives with Dragon Cherry ever since she was separated from her family. The way she was separated is when there was a massive earthquake and the wagon she was in broke away from the chains from her parents and siblings wagon. What made matters worse is that they were near a cliff. The wagon tumbled down the cliff with Candied Cherry in it. As the wagon fell into the water Candied Cherry hit her head on the rocks and passed out. Later on, Candied Cherry found herself in some man's arms as he carried her out of the water, and the next time Candied Cherry open her eyes, a woman with light green hair was putting bandages around her head, the man who carried her out of the water was there as well holding her hand. A few days later, Candied Cherry opened her eyes and saw the same man sitting by her bed still holding her hand, behind the man was a purple haired boy standing with another boy with pitch black hair. The green haired woman was there as well with a girl with brown hair. Afraid, Candied Cherry begins to cry. The man held Candied Cherry close to his body telling her it was alright. Candied Cherry didn't know this man who had fire coming from his eyes, but something about his hug made her feel a lot better. After learning what the green-haired woman's name, Candied Cherry was questioned if she knew where her parents were... Candied Cherry had no memory of her family. What Umbu Cherry didn't know is that when Candied Cherry hit her head, she hit it so severely that she lost her memories of her past. Dragon Cherry told Candied Cherry that he'll take care of her until they find her parents. For years, Candied Cherry still has no memory and Dragon Cherry can't find her family. Umbu Cherry stayed with Candied Cherry for a while and soon Candied Cherry was out of bed and out of her little hut walking about learning about her new siblings who loved her as well.