Cherry Blossom Lovesong



Cherry Blossom is the one of Goddesses that survived The Damnation Of The Worlds. Cherry Blossom stayed awake and lived, one day, she was looking down at the empty plains and saw nothing but dirt and rocks, she thought it would be wonderful if somebody lived there and made their own homes and have children, so she went over to her husband, Death who was sitting alone in the dark. Cherry Blossom asked him that if he wanted to help her create new people and together they can start a world. Death said no because starting again will lead to trouble Cherry Blossom bugged him till he bitterly said OK, weeks flew by, and Cherry Blossom found herself with a child. Cherry Blossom didn't think that this would happen since Death and her have been trying for years. After a few years have passed, Loyal Cherry released everything that was saved in the glass orbs. Everything was off to a great start, but since the markings on Death, Loyal, and Sky were on them, Death had obeyed Amagna Okubi's order, one of the seeds had Psychedeliccherries parents in it. After the birth of Psychedelic, The whole world started to turn black with evil and hate. Cherry Blossom was so upset of what had started that she tried to get rid of Psychedeliccherry, but it was too late.