Cherry Red




Cherry Red

An advanced A.I, Cherry Red is the first A.I to sing and dance unlike Xcoral Cherry who talks stiffly. Cherry Red was created a year after Xcoral Cherry was made only with more improvement. A bit stuck up, Cherry Red hates Techno Cherry and Xcoral Cherry. Sometimes Cherry Red fights with Xcoral Cherry but she never wins. It's impossible for Cherry Red to beat Xcoral Cherry but for some odd reason Cherry Red can beat any singer. Especially Gloss Cherry. Cherry Red's caretakers take her to any singing showdown and Cherry Red walks off with the trophy. Cherry Red's caretakers watch over her because sometimes Cherry Red shuts down whenever she gets heated up. Xcoral Cherry and Techno Cherry are the strongest AI's built, but Cherry Red is not. On good days, Cherry Red leaves her room to find other things to do and sings with anyone who is singing by themselves. Cherry Red talks with anyone but Xcoral Cherry which is just fine with him.