
Cherry Soap

A busy women who owns houses and lands, Cherry Soap is the wife of Occult Cherry and the mother of Mystic Cherry. Cherry Soap was not born of a wealthy family, Cherry Soap is the peasant daughter of poor milkmaid. Cherry Soap and her mother worked hard to keep things afloat. Her mother milked cows and delivered it to people, Cherry Soap made soaps and washed clothes. Cherry Soap's father who was part of the Blackberry clan died of cancer leaving his wife and daughter with very little money and a rundown house. When Cherry Soap was a teenager, her mother went to the doctor and they found a tumor growing inside of her brain. Cherry Soap worked hard then she did before to pay the doctor bills and to feed herself and her mother. A few months past and Cherry Soap's mother died in her sleep. Cherry Soap continued to work for her living by making soap and shampoo. It was hard to sell the soaps because most of the people knew that Cherry Soap was a mixed breed. One day while Cherry Soap was selling her shampoos, A man walked in looking for shampoo. The man and Cherry Soap grinned at each other like shy children. For weeks Cherry Soap saw the man coming up to the store looking for soap or shampoo, but really he was just coming to see her. After a long friendly chat, Cherry Soap learned the man's name. Occult Cherry. Love was blooming for both of them. A year flew by and at last Occult Cherry asked Cherry Soap to marry him.