
Death Cherry Secret Soul

Death Cherry is one of the known Gods that started the new world with Cherry Blossom. Death Cherry told Cherry Blossom that starting life would only cause trouble and she should just give up the idea. After being bugged about it for days, he at last said, fine. What they didn't know is that the markings Death has on him will bring back the evil spirit, Amanga Okubi. After the world was created, Amanga Okubi escape. Years passed and Amanga Okubi was living inside Death Cherry's daughter who wanted the world to burn, Death Cherry and his brother saw that the world was in chaos because of Death Cherry's disobedience, Death Cherry just played innocent, he didn't think it would get that bad. When Death Cherry saw his daughter taking others as her slaves and her plans, he couldn't help but worry. A few months later, Cherry Blossom asked Death Cherry if he knew what went wrong. Guilty, Death Cherry told her his plans before they started new life and that he'll get rid of Amanga Okubi soon. At that, Cherry Blossom told her husband that she had a gift for him. A hard burning slap across the face. Later on he went down to the world and face to face with Amanga Okubi. Death Cherry told her that if this continues he has no choice but to put him back. But the spirit only laughed and said that if he can't be put back because he lives in a Goddess and if she dies he will too. Death Cherry asked which Goddess has he possessed. Amanga Okubi said he was living in Death's daughter. Saying that, Amanga Okubi vanished leaving Death Cherry alone. Death Cherry couldn't kill his own daughter so he decided to leave it like that and hide his daughter... Loyal Cherry found out what his brother was doing and went of to go find him, Death tried escape but Loyal found them and banished the devil goddess from the kingdom. Death Cherry is allowed to see her four times a month.