
Disloyal and the Duplicates

One of the most psychotic demonic duplicate that Death Cherry made. Disloyal Cherry was made as a mockery of Loyal Cherry. Disloyal Cherry looks exactly like Loyal Cherry, same hair, eyes, body, gender, and power. Except Disloyal Cherry is not sane, he can't sit still for two minutes without one of his raging demons inside act up causing Disloyal to attack anyone for no reason. Disloyal Cherry is so wild that he once attacked Death Cherry. It took almost an hour to pry Disloyal Cherry off leaving Death Cherry in his own blood puddle. Realizing that Disloyal Cherry is potentially dangerous Devil Cherry put him to sleep until he is ready to fight. 


A month after Loyal went down to the world to find his son and Death Cherry was already in Infernum for helping Devil Cherry. Disloyal was set free after Dragon Cherry married Rainbow Cherry. One day Loyal left to help with repairing up the other lands, the other deities were walking about to see the people, Disloyal went right up to them acting like Loyal. Dragon Cherry was sure that his father left, but Disloyal looked so much like his father, that Dragon fell for it. After a few good hours of exploring, Dragon and the deities started to head home. When they arrived. the doors wouldn't open Dragon told Disloyal to help them open it but Disloyal couldn't. Disloyal's plan was falling into place. Dragon lead him to the kingdom and now all Disloyal had to do was hold hostage of the deities. Loyal returned to find Wind, Water, Moon, Cosmic and Galactic there alone in the kingdom. The others were missing. A week later, Empress Evilcherry came running to tell Loyal that his son and friends were being held hostage by Death. Disloyal had them in his power to get Loyal to save them