Fairy Cherry




Fairy Cherry

Fairy Cherry is the sassy happy comrade of Witch Cherry. Each day when Witch Cherry is working with the other witches, Fairy Cherry can be found flying around with the pixies and fairy's checking on the other mythical humans. Whenever Fairy Cherry is not working, she is bothering or helping Witch Cherry. Fairy Cherry loves Witch Cherry with her whole heart because it was her who found her. Years ago, Witch Cherry was hunting for honeysuckles with her class. After getting what she needed, Witch Cherry found a dying unopened flower bud. Not wanting to see it die, Witch Cherry took it back to her teacher who told Witch Cherry to get rid of it or make it into perfume. Witch Cherry took the flower back home. For days, Witch Cherry watered it and made sure it had plenty of sunshine. Soon the dying flower grew into beautiful crimson flower with green leaves and tan stem. A year later, Witch Cherry couldn't believe that her flower was still alive. What Witch Cherry didn't know is that the flower she was taken care of was a fairy. One sunny spring day, Witch Cherry ran to water her flower but found the flower missing. Witch Cherry thought her cat got it, but Witch Cherry saw tiny mud footprints walking away. Witch Cherry followed the muddy footprints until it stopped at the window. Fairy Cherry sat on the window still watching Witch Cherry. On that faithful lovely day, Fairy Cherry nevers leaves Witch Cherry's side.