Obvious Self Insert



2 years, 6 months ago



A highblooded, MIN troll with four horns and an illicium on xyr forehead (optional). Xyr morial and favorite person is ambivalentAnipathy.

AKA: The Observer

Classpect: Lord of Rage

Blood Color: Cerise (mutant)

Likes: Marine Biology, Thriller Novels, Sculptural Art

Gender: Genderflux (Xey/He)

Age: 7-8 sweeps

Status Alive

Dislikes: Responsibility, Being Left Alone, Change

Your name is hypnagogicGutstuff. You are 8 sweeps old, and you are a god. You don't know how to be a god, you never desired to be one. You've always been one to fall into positions of power. You have a kingdom to run, and yet you don't run it. You have a world to repopulate, and yet you would rather be dreaming. You do have a variety of HOBBIES, other than sleeping, drinking, and all around shutting out the world around you in favor of rotting in your MOIRAIL's hive. You are an ARTISTIC type, building a variety of SCULPTURES around your property (which is, to be fair, everything. You are ROYALTY, after all). You enjoy READING, indulging yourself in stories of THRILL, HORROR, and MYSTERY. However, you seem to find it hard to feel passionate about anything at all. And yet you are a god.