
Fuzzy Cherry

A energetic confident young lady, Fuzzy Cherry was the town fighter before her death. She may look weak and timid but if anyone messes with Fuzzy Cherry they would go home with a black eye or broken fingers. Her father Moldy Cherry doesn't know how his daughter has such a violent attitude, maybe it was a phase, or the time of the month. But Fuzzy Cherry was just born like that. In her past life, Fuzzy Cherry would break rocks with her father and cart them to the house builders. Often, Christmascherry would see the charming young lady coming up to his small store with a wagon full of broken rocks that were once boulders. 

Fuzzy Cherry's Death. 

One humid afternoon, Fuzzy Cherry was pulling her wagon full of rocks to Christmascherry's store. Stopping for lunch, Fuzzy Cherry saw a green haired women resting in a pile of hay. Fuzzy Cherry saw how thin she was and offered her half of her sandwich. The women took it and Fuzzy Cherry decided to sit with her. Fuzzy Cherry and the women exchanged small talk and shared lunch. Soon it was time for Fuzzy to get moving. Saying her goodbye, Fuzzy Cherry left. What she didn't know that who she was talking with was Bittercherry. A week later while walking with her brother Zombie Cherry, Fuzzy Cherry saw a green haired women following them. The same women that she had talked with, nobody knew that Fuzzy Cherry had talked with Bittercherry. Fuzzy Cherry turned around to say hello, but something was very wrong with this women. So Fuzzy Cherry told her brother to walk faster. Bittercherry was still after them. At last, Fuzzy Cherry and her brother ran as fast as they could to lose her. Fuzzy Cherry and Zombie Cherry found themselves in the forest alone with Bittercherry. Pickled Cherry threatened Bittercherry tat if she got any closer, he will strike. Fuzzy Cherry pulled out her gun. Bittercherry didn't leave, she attacked. For a what seem like eternity, they fought until they couldn't stand up. Bittercherry was about to kill Pickled Cherry, Fuzzy Cherry was on her back bleeding. Fuzzy Cherry caught a glimpse of Bittercherry's sharp green eyes and didn't see a demon hiding, but deep inside her eyes was a terrified women. Then Bittercherry was gone and there stood Rotten Cherry. Fuzzy Cherry and her brothers ran away, but Fuzzy Cherry new that Bittercherry is still after them. Without a moment to lose, Fuzzy told Spicy to kill her before Bittercherry shows up. Fuzzy Cherry not about to die in the hands of Bittercherry. Spicy Cherry held the gun to Fuzzy Cherry's. Fuzzy Cherry heard a loud bang and felt herself hit the ground.

Arise Fuzz Cherry

Fuzzy Cherry heard someone calling her name. Tired, Fuzzy tried to go back to sleep but the voice was still calling for her. Fuzzy Cherry opened her eyes and saw a man sitting down holding her with large white eyes looking into hers. A tall dark man with standing with the man who was holding her. Fuzzy Cherry couldn't believe it. There she was with Loyal and his brother. Fuzzy knew she was dead. Loyal told Fuzzy that he was going to give her life back to work along with her brother in world. Fuzzy Cherry agreed to do so. For years, Fuzzy Cherry and her brother watching out for any demons looking for souls to take.