


8 years, 10 months ago


This monster is very tall, 6 feet atleast, but it crouches down to atleast 4'5. It has no hands and 4 eyes. The main one used to not bump into things and 3 extras to look for pray. It has bob wire around its throat and rope around its body to make it APPEAR as if it can not open its head up, used to fool people into a sense of false security when in reality it is much stronger then any measly rope or wire. When ready, it will rip itself in half to expose a mouth inside and devour its victim.
It has a tail with a large fleshy ball on the end covered in fine course hairs that contains its heart. It uses this as a mace if ABSOLUTELY needed but most of the time it drags it against the ground, using the fine hairs to sense any abnormal vibrations in the ground to see if anything is sneaking up behind it as it is deaf and would not hear if someone was behind it. so instead it "hears" with that.