


2 years, 7 months ago


Age: Literally as old as time, because she is time

Sex: Female

Species: God

Height: 5'9

Weight: 140 lb. 

Occupation: Time God

Personality: Cocky, enjoys messing with people. Hyper aware of her surroundings, you physically can not sneak up on her.

Background/Facts: Adopted Arjun after hearing about how his birth wiped out an entire universe. At the time universes were few and far between so hearing that an entire one was destroyed was alarming, and Intera found it hilarious, so she took in the child.
The eye she keeps covered can see into the future. She covers it because knowing everything that will happen is exhausting and boring. 

Eons ago Intera was involved in a war, though she had been dragged in rather late, both sides were trying to find a way to force peace as it had killed many people and even wiped out some dimensions. One God involved finally proposed they pick one of the mortals who were tied to each side of the war and curse them as a peace treaty. The others agreed and Yae was selected for it. Intera was able to see his future and saw several centuries into it that he was still unable to break the curse. She attempted to bargain that they use someone else, but the other gods were dead set on him. Because another time god was involved with the war, she wasn't able to do much else about it and agreed to imbue the curse. Getting a hot iron and branding Yae's face. Later taking him to a new dimension to carry out his sentence. She healed the injury so it wouldn't be affected by his curse, and though she wasn't supposed to she didn't care if she got in trouble for it. There was little that any of the others could do against her. 

The other time god involved with the war was Blank. Despite this Intera is on relatively friendly terms with him as she understands he's being controlled by another God. She offers him shelter when he wants to escape for a bit, as time completely bends to her will in her own domain, regardless of the presence of another time god, giving him as much time as he needs to relax before he is eventually sent back to the one controlling him.