


2 years, 6 months ago



  • Name: Polka Varden 
  • Nicknames: Polly
  • Species: Calico Crab
  • Sexuality: Pansexual
  • Personality: Extroverted, friendly, silly, happy, carefree, curious, outgoing, talkative
  • Gender: Trans Male (he/him)
  • Age: 22
  • Favorite food: Sweet potato
  • Favorite drink: Bubble tea
  • Hobby: Blowing soap bubbles, playing on his tambourine 
  • Likes: Polka dots, quilts, cozy places, happy endings
  • Dislikes: Unfriendly people
  • Relationship status: Single
  • Weapon: Tambourine 
Polly is the most extroverted of the crab pals, being always the one to start up conversations and starting new events. He's the friendly face everyone goes to see when they're in a bad day. 

Polly is a bit silly and gets in trouble easily but he doesn't seem to mind as he can make new friends out of every trouble! There isn't such thing as a bad day for Polly, he's very positive but his positiveness can be interpreted as toxic positiveness by some people. 

Lately he has been hanging out mostly with Mitty even though he gets along with literally everyone.

Polly does volunteering since very young, so working with the crab pals is no challenge for him! 

Polly is very nosy and curious and he's especially very curious about the Biv Incident, an incident that banned many residents from Mt. MoRay from accessing Biv City. It's very difficult for him to keep himself away from other people's businesses and his whole curiosity about the Biv Incident will cost him his safety... not that he cares though!