Limbo(Clara) (UFO)



2 years, 7 months ago
Trade Listing
For Offer

Basic Info




Dragon (formerly Human)




Her name: CIara

The Characters:


Pastor Waden

The little maids

The devil.

Iara (13yo)  was born in a small town were the habitants lived from what the earth gave them, they used silk to dress themselves and used very colorfull piece of cloth in their hair.

One day for a reason they don't quite understand, a war was declared in a nearby kingdom and the enemy mistook them as enemy too and raided the city. Only a few survided.

Iara was one of those survivors, after the soldiers were gone she started to look for others, and soon she gathered all the survivors. Was not much but was enough for them to raise up again.

The city were in calamity for weeks before the Pastor, Waden, offered Iara and other girls a place to stay, what he asked back was for them to worship and follow God's path. Some of them already prayed and believe in god so they joined them. Waden and Iara relationship began to fast, Waden just never let her be alone, and soon she started to hang out with him more.

Waden promised her the sun, the moon and the starry sky when she finally became a nun. He said that she would be his bride and that she was the perfect woman for the task. When the day of Iara ceremony to become a nun finally arrived, she was dressed in a single expensive white silk robe with a golden piece of cloth in her hair like a tiara adorned with gold trinklets and shiny small medals that covered her beautiful curled black hair like she was a queen. She couldn't stop smiling while Waden waited for her patiently in the altar for him to bless her soul and ask for god to bless her as a new nun, therefore a new mother and new woman to care for the youngest.

He said beautiful words, Iara was so fascinated by it, the lights, the moment itself was too magical, too peaceful. The sun going through the colorful glass begind the altar, giving her skin a golden shine what left everything even more like a dream. When everything was done Waden gently hold her while other worked put ropes around her wrists and ankles while pushing her back like an animal, she screamed for help but everything the received back as a creepy and yet satisfied look in Waden's face, he smiled menacingly at her while letting her being dragged like a wild pig ready for the sacrifice.

She was tied up on a rock table were they reforced her imprisonment with big and heavy chains, so she couldn't move.

She couldn't remember what exactly they were saying but she do remember that every drop of blood was taken in God's name. Everything they did to her was in his name.

After every session she is trown in a very big, dark and cold cell. One night a strange man appears.

"A such young soul already so broken... what a shame, they are the ones that should be broken. Don't you agree ?" A male voice echoed in the halls. Iara asked who was there, the reaponse was a very tall man and well dresses, like royalty, his eyes were bright yellow. Iara scared jut backed up a but, skittish and even growling at the man who just got on his knees and kept talking.

"You don't want to make them pay ? To make them feel what they did to you ? They lied to you, they hurt you, they forced himselves into you, is not enough ?"

Iara looked back in forth, considering her actions, it was enough for her to want to leave! But what about their friends ?

"Your friends are no more, child, what they did to you, they did with them!" He looked serious, too serious.
"I saw what happened and I'm sorry i couldn't interfere... I'm doing now..."

The man extended his hand to her, asking for a deal, Iara looked at him and without thinking twice. She shaked his hand.

Is told by the locals how the  church palace was burned to the ground and destroyed inside out by a demon.
Everyone inside had their bodies crushed to little pieces or smashed to the walls. While a pink and purple flame consumed the place and only the place, miraculously, 3 girls were saved that night and they tell the history how a huge "dragon" saved them from the fire. Aged and now old, they keep telling this history to the young. How a huge dragon saved them from the hands of bad man who used the mane of God to justify their actions.

No one knows what happened to the dragon, were it came from and to were it go ? It just vanished.

Limbo, how the misterious man, named her is the devil himself. His pla  was to let Iara have her revenge and then use her for his dirty work. But the powers he gave her were too much. And to scape she keeps hopping to reality to reality ot time and space were she control parts of fate of people and even change their realities.

Seeing he couldn't keep her tame The devil made her his 1° hand. So she can serve him without losing her freedom.

(If ever unwanted please return them to Fluffywerewolf666<3)