01. Woodsmoke (Luneo)



2 years, 5 months ago



Life Alias Woodsmoke
Given Name Luneo
Gender Agender
Pronouns [they / them]
Colony Windswept Moor
Rank Scout

❝ That's the kind of cat I want to be. One with courage enough to fight back when I know something is wrong, no matter what it costs me.❞

Woodsmoke is a lithe and wiry new-age wildcat with a rambunctious and fierce disposition. They were born and raised in the Kith of the Shaded Fen, yet felt ostracized due to their father being a member of the rival colony, the Kith of the Windswept Moor. As a younger cat they frequently found themself in trouble for disrespecting authority and starting fights. The vitriol they faced in their birth colony led Woodsmoke to leave the Shaded Fen to connect with their family on the Windswept Moor, and become an advocate for all cats cast out or suffering beneath the Hinterland Valley colony system.

Woodsmoke is spirited and driven, and cares a great deal for the well-being of other cats. All they ever wanted in life was to be of help to and accepted by their Kith. Their sharp tongue and temper give them a prickly exterior, but this is only a defense mechanism. At their core, Woodsmoke is deeply kind.


  • Windy days
  • Spending time with family
  • Creating music with their Kith
  • Befriending birds
  • Open grasslands


  • Colony politics
  • Colony structure
  • Poor treatment of any cat
  • Being alone too long
  • Fighting



Woodsmoke is a slender ticked tabby with a short, spiky pelt the colour of smoke. They are tall and lean with distinctly large, rounded ears. Their coat colour and fluffy cheeks are representative of a boreal wildcat, while their copper eyes, long legs, athletic build, round ears, and slightly elongated muzzle align with type two plains wildcat traits. Woodsmoke stands 20in (51cm) at their shoulder and weighs 24lbs (10.8kg).

Woodsmoke walks with a long, assured gait, though their overall demeanour is withdrawn, and they tend to move in the shadows where they blend in with their surroundings.

Like most plains wildcats, Woodsmoke lacks a double coat which makes it difficult to stay warm and dry in the northern Ontario climate. During colder seasons they wear a winter cloak.


Woodsmoke is a spirited cat with a sharp tongue and an attitude. As a young cat, Woodsmoke’s impulsivity led them into trouble frequently, be it from disobeying orders, mouthing off at authority figures, or starting fights, earning them a reputation as the resident troublemaker of the Shaded Fen.

Already struggling to find their footing in a colony that ostracized them for their heritage, Woodsmoke’s frequent blunders only invited more scrutiny and cruelty from their Kith. This lead Woodsmoke to grow resentful and prone to lashing out, driving away the few cats close to them. It was then they realized that they were turning into a cat they couldn’t stand, and chose to leave their birth colony to start a new life on the Windswept Moor, where they became more conscientious of how their actions affected others.

Woodsmoke carries a great amount of empathy toward other cats in part from the treatment they suffered, and never came to believe in the colony ideology of hating outsiders. Instead, they began to nurture a dream of peace in the valley.

In their best moments, Woodsmoke is kind-hearted and craves spending time with the cats they love. They especially enjoy competitive games, playing instruments, and sharing stories at mealtime. In their worst moments, Woodsmoke is brash and quick to act on their hot temper. Overall, Woodsmoke has no strong talents or skills, but it doesn’t bother them the same way as when they were a kitten. All they ever really wanted was a feeling of belonging and friends to share their time with.






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10 Feet Tall  ∙  Cavetown

Factories  ∙  Autoheart

Cut Your Bangs  ∙  Radiator Hospital

Hard of Hearing  ∙  Radical Face


  • Their given name Luneo refers to the moon, which Valley cats believe to be the burnt out husk of a second sun.
  • Woodsmoke's favourite time of each season are the solstice and equinox festivals where the colonies of the Hinterland Valley meet together for a night of celebration, a relic of a more peaceful past. Woodsmoke loves the chance to peak into the elusive lives of their neighbours.
  • Like all cats of the Windswept Moor, Woodsmoke does not eat birds of any kind.
  • Woodsmoke smells like heather and maple wood.
  • They have a great affinity for the children of the Fifth, crows especially, feeling a kinship in their existence being associated with bad luck.
  • Their favourite food is grubs roasted in deer tallow and topped with hazelnut spread.
  • Woodsmoke as a character was originally created in 2013.



best friend / love interest

Sun has always been Woodsmoke’s most loyal friend even through their absolute darkest moments, sticking to them like a burr through their kittenhood. He never wavered in his loyalty towards them even when Woodsmoke left the Shaded Fen. They are close enough that they call one another by their given names.

Sun always played well at being the Kith’s goody two-paws, and his poise only grew as his status climbed, but Woodsmoke has always loved to tease out his more authentic self, one that is snarky and mischievous. When Woodsmoke was exiled from the Windswept Moor, Sun drew on his status to forge a false blessing from the Nines that would grant them amnesty. Sun fills the contradictory roles of being Woodsmoke’s voice of reason and their enabler.

brother figure / friend

When Woodsmoke joined the Windswept Moor, Shade immediately took Woodsmoke under his wing like an older brother, teaching them how best to get along in the colony. Shade was more sympathetic to their situation than any cat Woodsmoke had ever encountered, and when he revealed his hope of one day uniting the colonies, Woodsmoke felt validated in their shared dream.

Over time their relationship grew strained by their clashing ideologies, Woodsmoke valuing peace while Shade valued conquest. Shade slowly grew to hate them for opposing him and pivoted to manipulating Woodsmoke for his own gain. Even after everything Shade did to ruin their life, and even though he is directly responsible for their exile from the Moor, Woodsmoke could never bring themself to hate him, nor did they ever stop missing their brother.


Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.



Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.

uncle / mentor

Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.

grandpa / mentor

Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.


Woodsmoke's best friend on the Moor besides Shade. They could often be found gossiping or playing games together. Woodsmoke has always appreciated her compassion and openness. Wren can make even the most menial chores fun.


Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.







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