02. Sun (So'réy)



2 years, 5 months ago



Life Alias Sun
Given Name So'réy
Gender Male
Pronouns [he / him]
Colony Shaded Fen
Rank Healer / Prophet

❝ If I have forsaken So’raréyo, if it is I who has taken the Nines’ name in vain, I hereby call upon the stars to demonstrate their will. May they strike me down where I stand.❞

Sun is an enormous new-age boreal wildcat with a chimeric split coat and unmatched star-reading capabilities. Though a healer of the Kith of the Shaded Fen, Sun is revered in all colonies for his intellect, compassion, and dedication to his craft. For his prophetic abilities and otherworldly appearance, Sun is seen by some as a reincarnation of the Ninth deity, the arcane god responsible for gifting all cats with nine incarnations and a final resting place among the stars. When Sun’s best friend Woodsmoke was framed for three murders, Sun sowed a false omen about them in order to spare their life, and sought to find a way to clear his friend’s name.

When he discovered the far greater conspiracy behind Woodsmoke’s exile, Sun’s exposure to the atrocities that held up his very way of life broke his remaining trust in his Kith and his faith in the Nines. Enraged by the selfishness and arrogance of colony cats, and a mind that had truly come to believe in his own divine authority, Sun resolved to reap judgment upon the cats of the Hinterland Valley.


  • Woodsmoke
  • Gardening & botany
  • Healing others' illnesses
  • Drinking tisane
  • Dusk & dawn


  • Sunlight
  • Limitations of his knowledge
  • Being placed on a pedestal
  • Colony politics
  • Anyone that harms Woodsmoke



Sun is a massive boreal wildcat with thick, long fur that is split between dark and golden. He has tall, pointed ears with dark tufts at the tips, enormous paws, and fluffy cheeks that all give him the appearance of a lynx. Sun is the largest new-age wildcat in the whole of the Hinterland Valley by a large margin; he stands 25in (64cm) at the shoulder, is 60in (153cm) nose to tail tip, and weighs around 68lbs (30.8kg). He tends to hunch down closer to the ground as not to intimidate smaller cats. He has an incredibly long gait, and can cover twice the ground in one stride to that of the average boreal cat.

Sun was born with fever coat like his sisters due to his mother’s sickness while she carried her kittens, though as he reached full maturity, his true fur pattern was revealed. His right eye failed to develop full iris pigment, giving it a translucent look. This eye is additionally impaired by a congenital cerulean cataract which clouds the centre of the lens, causing light sensitivity and blurred vision in sun or firelight, and also gives him the appearance of having a miniature galaxy in his eye. He prefers to work at dawn and dusk to accommodate his vision problems.

Sun is frequently seen in his healer’s crown, a pair of gold tipped deer antlers atop a gold crown that wraps around the curvature of his head. The crown is frequently adorned with flowers, gifted to him by his Kith. Additionally, he wears prophet’s adornments around his neck, as well as other miscellaneous jewellery like gold earrings and precious stones, metallic false eyelashes to mimic the Ninth’s god marks, and he dips his claws in gold leaf. Sun hates his adornments, feeling that they other him from his Kith, and much prefers to just wear his cloak and satchel.

A meta note to Sun’s design is that there are many variations to his design - there isn’t really a true accurate way to draw him. All of his markings are flexible and can be simplified, moved, or changed.


Sun was born into a noble family, and as such has been held to a high standard of behaviour since his kittenhood. He is a cat most often defined by his achievements, having developed a previously unseen cure to a deadly illness by reading the will of the Nines out of the stars, all while being the youngest full-fledged healer in hundreds of seasons. For his abilities and appearance, he has been likened to one of the nine comings of the Ninth deity. He is intelligent, refined, and charming, as any cat of his status should be.

Sun is compassionate and altruistic, yet he is not overly empathetic, struggling to truly relate to others and understand their feelings. Still, he feels great sympathy toward those who are suffering and feels compelled to relieve their pain, even if the cause of it eludes him. He holds a strong belief in the concepts of good and evil, and that karma will always catch up to one's deeds.

He has always felt that he needed to put on an act to please his Kith and be the cat they want him to be, his more authentic personality only ever coming out around Woodsmoke. The true version of Sun is snarky and even quite rebellious, and he always loved to be at Woodsmoke’s side, goofing off and getting in trouble alongside them. He reveres Woodsmoke’s existence beyond all logic or reason, and in many ways finds himself dependent on them, not really sure who he is as a cat if he can’t be at their side.

When Sun learned of the conspiracies behind Woodsmoke’s exile, atrocities that held up his very way of life, Sun’s faith in the Nines and his Kith who raised him were shattered. Enraged by the selfishness and arrogance of colony cats, he declared himself to be the arbiter of karmic justice who would reap judgment across the Hinterland Valley. More so than any manufactured plague or ploy for power, his enemies’ most unforgivable act was in targeting Woodsmoke - for them, he would lay the whole valley to waste a thousand times over.






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The Yawning Grave  ∙  Lord Huron

Utopia  ∙  Goldfrapp

Afterlife  ∙  Nothing But Thieves

Mother Mary  ∙  Mr. Kitty


  • His given name So'réy bears a great similarity to So’raréyo, or the Great Sun Constellation, the heaven where children of the Nines aspire to go. Stars in this theological context are instead called suns, said to mark each soul in waiting of a life, in reference to the Ninth's gift of eternal spiritual life. So'réy refers to a small, unspecific constellation of suns.
  • His fathers had wanted to name him Apple to match his sisters, but as his mother Wisp was quarantined and had no contact with them, she chose the name Sun.
  • Sun is a genetic chimera.
  • Sun's cataract and split golden-dark appearance have led some cats to believe he might be a reincarnation of the Ninth deity, the recipient of the Eye of Life that the Fifth stole. It is said that in every reincarnation, the Ninth bears an eye that can see into distant suns, eye to eye with their creators.
  • He smells like roasted hazelnuts and blackberry blossoms, though his scent is often masked by the smell of herbal medicines.
  • Sun speaks with the refined manner of the Shaded Fen’s aristocracy, as he was taught to do, which is absent of slang and grammatical errors. He drops this manner of speech around those he is close to in favour of the rougher common dialect.
  • As a full dedicated healer, Sun has sworn an oath that forbids him to ever use his claws or teeth to hurt another creature outside of self-defense. This oath means he cannot hunt for himself and he must rely on the support of his Kith.
  • He can draw very well, a skill he uses to illustrate his medical journals.
  • His favourite food is the American bullfrog. While most cats in the Shaded Fen do enjoy the tadpoles, the adult frogs are wildly unpopular.
  • Sun as a character was originally created in 2018.


best friend / love interest +

Sun's kittenhood best friend and beloved. They are close enough that they call one another by their given names.

To Sun, Woodsmoke is the very spirit of life itself that smiles upon him. He reveres them so much that basking in their mere presence is a delight. Not even the strength of his moral compass can hold up against his unwavering devotion towards them - Sun loves Woodsmoke to the point of depravity, and farther even beyond that.

mortal enemy

Sun considers Shade to be the epitome of evil for the manufactured plague he unleashed upon the Shaded Fen.

Yet beyond his extensive body count and their clashing political values, his most despicable act that sealed his fate to die by Sun's paws was targeting Woodsmoke. Sun seeks to reap his vengeance against Shade and make him suffer the pain of what he has wrought upon others tenfold.


Sun always admired his mother’s rebelliousness and fierce devotion towards her loved ones, even at the cost of being disowned when she started a family with two cats outside the nobility. He adores her kittenish whimsy, and he considered her a friend as much as a mother.


Milkburr was a strong role model for Sun. Toms of the Shaded Fen were often expected to pursue a role as a hunter or fighter, but Milkburr became a nanny to the colony’s kittens, even if many other cats mocked him for it. He chose gentleness and altruism over violence, inspiring Sun to follow the same path as a healer.


Clove shared no biological relation to his kittens, and his insecurities led him to feel left out at times. But in Sun’s eyes, he was just as much their father as Milkburr. Sun regrets being so distracted through the worst of the plague and his loved ones’ deaths, leading Clove to pass away isolated and alone as he always feared he would.


When their family passed away, Cherry was the only cat Sun had left in the Shaded Fen who he was close to. Cherry stepped forward to care for Sun through his worst period of despair. She always understood him better than he gave her credit for, but in the aftermath of the plague, he could still never fully open up to Cherry about the worst horrors he witnessed - especially the circumstances of Peach’s death.


Sun and Peach always got along exceptionally well, and loved competing to learn new things to share with and wow the other. Peach was always great fun to spend time with, and Sun has especially fond memories of running about with both his sisters. Sun was greatly devastated by Peach’s passing during the plague, and his inability to so much as ease her suffering in her last days haunts him.


Sun once admired his colony, believing it to be a paragon of righteousness. When he finally began to take note of how poorly his Kith treated Woodsmoke, the abuse soon driving Woodsmoke to leave the colony entirely, Sun began to harbour a resentment towards his fellow cats. Later discovering the greater conspiracies the Shaded Fen was hiding, the cats Sun had grown up alongside became entirely depersonalized entities to him, and he could no longer understand or sympathize with them in any capacity.






personal attendant

code by 00Ishikawa00 and Jiko