Curt Bell



2 years, 6 months ago



until my life comes to an end,
this song won't stop, this song won't end!

gender nonbinary
pronouns she/they/it
age 24 (01/04)
sexuality lesbian
ethnicity white
duo | ship none
sizes 5'3" / 141lbs
playlist ♪♫♪
talent deckbuilder
role none
become the wind.
you... you can't just act like this!
huh? of course i can! i'm the hero, after all!
a shining hero acting in the name of justice!
is what you're really doing something that can be called justice?
of course it is! because i'm a hero, after all!
extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
polite sassy
deceptive sincere
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
lone wolf team player
tarot strength
trope for great justice
attitude optimist
animal parakeet

design notes

  • has freckles across the bridge of its nose.
  • curt has two sets of tatoos, one being a bunch of vines across their stomach and the other being the neo nectar clan symbol, from cardfight!! vanguard on their right shoulder.
  • curt has creamsicle orange hair that goes down to her shoulders. attached to the back of her hair is a dark blue clip-on bow.
  • curt wears black rubber slip-on boots with stars in the soles.
  • she has blue eyes and is usually making some sort of silly expression. they're fond of sticking their tongue out and making peace signs.

only i can illuminate the flame in my heart that's on the verge of dying out!


may my words become the wind, as i raise the breath of my heart!


roar out in this spiral of voices! this song won't end!

misc. info

hometown key west, florida
enneagram 3w4
hand left

flora gladiolus
fave food pancakes
fave drink energy drink

soul color yellow
utena duel choix
sdv class swordcraft

various trivia

  • got its name from the drummer in the band tears for fears, simply because it thought the name was cool and decided to steal it. curt means "courteous" or "polite" while bell simply refers to the physical item. that's it. i thought bell sounded funny when paired with the name curt.
  • curt was made for a short game back in... june 2021 i think? game wound up being cancelled so now its just sitting here until i can use it somewhere i guess!
  • card game freak.
  • its birthday is a refence to the original release date of the neo nectar clan in cardfight!! vanguard.
  • 80's tunes
  • holofoil
  • color-backed card sleeves
  • gum drops
  • rom coms
  • oranges
  • stall decks
  • jazz music
  • walkman casette player
  • deck box
  • sticker sheet
  • ██████ ████
