$3 usd's Comments

Could I get 2 and 5 if you take paypal?? <3 I absolutely ADORE them both!!

You can take 2 since 5 is currently pending :>> and I saw your comment on the other fella, I can do him for $25?? 

Aw okay aaa ^^" what's your paypal?? 

Also which other character? :0 I apologize for asking today has been a long day lol

Oh my gosh I confused you with someone else so sorry haha but ye, it’ll be $3 for this guy :>>

Here’s my PayPal! $3 in usd pls!

It's totally fine, I understand!! ^^ I sent the money <3

I know it's a low chance but if they back out for the other one thats been offered on already could you lmk?? <3 They're just so cute too agh ;;

tyy and will do!! I’ll send em over rn :> 

1 Replies

could I buy bottom left?

Suree! Oh I think imma lower the price to $3 since they’ve been up for a couple years haha

So you can send the $3 to my PayPal (usd) and I’ll send em over! :3

Could I buy the top left one?

Sure thing! Pls send to https://www.paypal.me/jessiessketchbook?locale.x=en_AU (in usd pls!) :>> tysm!


Tysm!! I’ll send them over

Could I claim the last blankat adopt?