


2 years, 5 months ago



Name Aiko

Nickname(s)Aki, Akiko

Gender Female

Species / Breed Cat / Japanese bobtail cat

likes Snacks | Tea | Traveling | Cute assecories

dislikesMushrooms | being all alone | Giant spiders


Aiko just loves to travel. She especially likes to use public transport to go where she needs to go. Prancing around the different train and busstations with her precious little backpack. Which hides just everything she might need durung the trip she's onto. Including these things she has long forgotten in the front pocket of her backpack. But she often finds something she could use in that in order to repair something, load out a pen or something else somebody needed at that time!

When on her travels, she loves to try out new snacks of the places she is visiting. Sweet AND salty, it all depends on the mood she is in. (He will no try treats with mushrooms in it though, as she refer is to 'fungus in the food'. But actually disliked the taste of them) In her backpack she also carries a little to go mug, where is can buy hot weater in to make herself a little tea when being on the bus, train or even the metro. If she knows her travels are going to take a little while nothing comforts her more than a little cup of tea.
She is a little wary when she's the only one in and on stations and trains though.

She just loves to purchase little cute assecories and carry them around. Little purses, collars keychains, stationary.. she DIGS it! And has a hard time on letting a very cute notebook pass, eventhough she'll really use it.. really.


HTML by lowkeywicked