Himitsu Secret Soul



6 years, 8 months ago


Himitsu Secret SoulĀ 

The father of Death and Loyal Cherry, Himitsu was a the God of Secrets. No one knows how Himitsu was found in the world below when he should have been where Seikatsu was living. Like Seikatsu, Himitsu was the youngest God that died. Himitsu didn't live to be one hundred like his father and his father's before him. Some say that Himitsu lived his life too freely which is true. Himitsu married early and became a father early as well. When Seikatsu found out she was to die after giving birth, Himitsu couldn't accept the fact that Seikatsu was going to leave him, instead of saying blessings for his child, Himitsu cursed the power of death. After Seikatsu gave birth, Himitsu was surprised that she had a God instead of a Goddess. Himitsu and Seikatsu agreed never to have anymore children, but they didn't know that Loyal was hideing in Seikatsu. A month later, Seikatsu died leaving Himitsu with Death and Loyal. Depressed and angry, Himitsu took his anger out on Loyal. This went on for years and each day Himitsu hated his son Loyal more and more. The only one Himitsu loved was his son Death. One year when Loyal was eleven, Himitsu and Loyal got into a heated argument which caused Himitsu to slap Loyal. Himitsu didn't see Death who ran up to get Himitsu away from Loyal. Furious, Death slapped Himitsu back for his hatred towards his own son. With that being done, Himitsu died from Death's hand. There is no way to bring Himitsu back...