Hologram Boysenberry




Hologram Boysenberry

The oldest of Virtual Boysenberry, Hologram is the quirky A.I that lives in the computer. Hologram is always getting into trouble and his younger brother has to get him out of it. Smart Cherry always checks up on her son on whenever he is asleep, like always, Hologram's files are full of click baits sites and stupid downloads. Smart Cherry cleans it up so her son won't have to deal with a virus attack. Hologram Boysenberry is always playing outside of his disk and watching the people walk about, on good days, Smart Cherry takes them to see Dried Cherry who fixes them up and so they can talk with SeyeBeI^. Virtual and Hologram always have a nice chat with SeyeBeI^ who is very friendly with them. When they can't meet up, Hologram gets into trouble with Negative Berry... Virtual is in the back yelling at them to shut the fuck up and settle down of course... Hologram and Negative don't listen.

Virus Attack.

One day while reading the news about A.I's and C.P.C being destroyed by viruses and Anti-software programs, Hologram became very nervous about all of this, Virtual was scared as well. Smart Cherry started to keep them inside of their chips to keep them safe. One night when Hologram was waiting for Negative to come over, Hologram saw that Virtual was acting very strange. Smart Cherry saw that a virus got into the computer. Time was rapidly running out for Virtual. Smart Cherry called for Dried Cherry to do something. Negative showed up and saw what was happening. Soon, the virus got into Hologram. Smart Cherry was in tears because her sons were going to die, but Negative took action and vanished to find Airer. Everything was blurry and sites were everywhere making it harder for Hologram to program. Before being shut down, Hologram saw an A.I who was wearing a black hat in front of the computer. A week later, Hologram woke up fixed and free of the virus. The man in the black hat was there. Airer came to save them.