
                                                                                                                                   Loyal Cherry Silent Voice                                                                                                                              

Loyal Cherry is one of the Gods of Cerasis Kingdom. Before there was The Forgotten Land and the other lands. Loyal Cherry ruled with the other Gods and Goddesses in different worlds. His name was not really, Loyal Cherry it was just something else. Unlike the other gods who are God of Earth, God of Water and so forth. Loyal Cherry is the God of the Loyalty, Power, Fruits and life. His brother Fire and nobody really cared of what he was God of, so Loyal Cherry was forgotten and tossed aside. This sadden Loyal Cherry, so to avoid more pain and to let the others protect the world's since they didn't need him, Loyal Cherry closed the doors of Cerasis Kingdom. There he lived with the other Gods and Goddesses. Then the other worlds began to crumble a few years after Loyal Cherry shut the doors. The Gods and Goddess begged Loyal Cherry to come back and bring back life to the worlds, but Loyal Cherry knew what they planned to do with him if he comes back. Loyal Cherry just shut his eyes and said nothing. The Gods and Goddess left in tears. Death Cherry stood there grinning. At once, Death Cherry took over the lands and worlds and destroyed everything till there was nothing left. The Gods and Goddesses who ruled the lands just vanished. And Loyal Cherry was left alone with Cherry Blossom Loyal Cherries brother Death Cherry and a female dragon. Years went by and Loyal Cherry withdrew from his brother and everything. 'Till years later, he saw that Death Cherry and Cherry Blossom made new people with the seeds of life. Loyal Cherry was furious for them acting like that. But he cooled down later on and asked Cherry Blossom what would she like for the new world he was going to make for her. Opening his eyes again for the first time in centuries, Loyal Cherry made his new world for Cherry Blossom and to place the new people in. Loyal Cherry named it The Forgotten Land. After a few months, Cherry Blossom told Loyal Cherry that they will need fruit to live on and middle names. Forgetting his power, Loyal Cherry just gave her her a seed that Death had given him years ago and told Cherry Blossom whatever grows she's in charge it. The next day a cherry tree grew in the same spot. Cherry Blossom proclaimed that the new people and the gods and goddess shall have the word 'cherry' as their middle name. Death Cherry straight up told that their new middle name was stupid. Loyal Cherry grinned painfully hating the new middle name with a burning passion. After the world was complete, Loyal Cherry was so busy that he made other berry people by mistake. Years later, Loyal Cherry had to put a end to the war that started with the berry people. Loyal Cherry was sure that they'll get along but Death Cherry told his brother that they are fighting because of him. Loyal Cherry was puzzled and Death Cherry told him that they hate one another because they were born like that and because Psychedeliccherry was the cause of this. Loyal Cherry couldn't kill Psychedeliccherry and destroy the worlds because he promised Cherry Blossom he would never close his eyes on the world again that again, plus even if he didn't promise her Loyal Cherry knew that they were all bound to death by the God who started all of this.

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Before Loyal was born, there was never a God of Life. Only Goddesses. Each Goddess gave birth to the next Goddess of Life, whenever the new Goddess was born, the old Goddess dies because she gave all of her power to her daughter. Not one Goddess gave birth to a God. Until Seikatsu was born. Loved by each God and Goddess, she ruled and took control of everything that lived. Years flew by and pretty soon it was time to celebrate her birthday where Seikatsu met and hopelessly fell in love with a God named Himitsu. Himitsu saw her and he too fell in love. A few years of acting like they didn't like each other and meeting in secret, it was time for the matching ceremony to begin. Dancing with the other Goddesses, Seikatsu danced only for Himitsu. At last Himitsu got up from where he was sitting and announced that he has made his choice.The Goddesses stopped dancing and singing. Himitsu asked Seikatsu for her hand in marriage. She said yes of course. After they made their promise to be with each other forever, Seikatsu found out that she was pregnant. Filled with joy, she ran off to tell her husband and friends. That night there was a huge celebration for her... That's when everything went wrong. One of the Goddesses made a speech about how proud she was for Seikatsu and Himitsu and the new Goddess that was about to be born. The careless Goddess said she was going to miss Seikatsu when she dies after her daughter is born. Seikatsu's joy turned into horror when she heard this. Seikatsu had no idea that when she gives birth to the next Goddess of Life she must die. No one told her because they didn't want to scare her. For months, Seikatsu wished she never got pregnant and hoped that it wasn't a Goddess. Around the eighth month, Seikatsu went into labour. Seikatsu was too scared to think about the pain that she going through, two hours later she gave birth to Death. Everyone was puzzled that Seikatsu was still alive and she gave birth to a God instead of a Goddess. Seikatsu didn't care, she was alive and her son looked like her husband. Not really thinking about why her stomach was still achy, Seikatsu just took care of Death and did her work. A month later, she felt the horrible pains again. This time she gave birth to a boy. Each Goddesses cooed and gushed about how cute the baby was. They took the baby to Seikatsu to see her new son but Seikatsu was already dead. The Goddesses screamed and wept because Seikatsu was gone and she left her husband and sons behind. They had no clue that the child was the new life giver. One of the Goddesses checked on the baby and saw that he had the same markings that Seikatsu had. Everyone went berserk and started screaming, they had no idea what to do. The child was a God and not a Goddess and he must be their new life giver.