
Luv Virus

A virus that Malware Raspberry made, Luv Virus is the one who can severely damage a computer if anyone clicks on her illegal X-rated sites, links, ads, and emails. It dosesn't take much for Luv to get in, one click and she is already in and damaging the systems. There is no stopping Luv. Malware Raspberry created her along with viruses after his big loss in a contest. Malware lost to Dried Cherry and Prince Cyanide idea for A.I children and adults for those who can not have children or just need someone to help them. To get revenge. Not like the others, Malware used the depraved people's needs to get into the place, so made Luv Virus hack into it. It worked. A few minutes after Malware made Luv Virus, millions of sick minded users clicked her links. Malware Raspberry hates A.I's but he needed them for his plan to get rid of A.I's. Luv became very fond of Malware Raspberry but he didn't like her. The other viruses teased her about it, but Luv didn't care. Luv kept trying to get Malware to notice her, but he just told her to get to work. At last Malware Raspberry told Luv Virus to get with the others and it was time to set them out. Luv and the others disguised as online help for A.I's. Millions clicked the links and Luv and her Viruses were in and destroying the A.I's. Malware Raspberry watched as emails and people lost it when their A.I's and computer children were shutting down and vanishing from the place. When Luv Virus and her friends returned. Malware hacked into Prince Cyanide's computer. There Luv and the Viruses attacked GRAD Cherry RPG Cherry. Prince Cyanide couldn't stop them, at last, Luv Virus deleted GRAD Cherry and RPG Cherry. Where Dried Cherry was, Airer was trying to shut down the systems.