

Just as evil as Psychedeliccherry, Malin first voice that ever talked to Psychedeliccherry when she was just a child. Unlike his siblings, Malin was born without a human body, he was just a black cloudy form like his father Amagna Okubi. Amagna Okubi knew that one of his sons was born like him, so to help him, Amagna Okubi let Malin hide in a human until he made a body shell for him. Malin floated around the world and saw Psychedeliccherries mother Vinegar Cherry sitting by the river. Malin floated around her and saw that she was pregnant with a teal haired child. Malin knew that Vinger Cherries child was already possessed with the demons of his father, so Malin waited for Psychedeliccherry to arrive. Three months later, Malin hovered above Psychedeliccherries crib... Psychedeliccherry smiled when she saw Malin. Years went by and Malin was hideing and talking to Psychedeliccherry... Amagna Okubi called for his son and told him that his body form was complete, the only thing he had to do was give him innocent blood. Malin knew what he was talking about... After the death of Bittercherry, Malin received his body shell.