Mint Cherry




Mint Cherry

Mint Cherry is one of the second children of Dragon Cherry who was found in the Freak Show just like Venom Cherry. He suffers from PTSD just like his younger sister, Sad Cherry. Sometimes he just sits there and whispers, 'The green haired women... She needed help...' But he was never like that, once a long time ago, he was a once a happy child with his sister. One day while walking along an old trail picking mint leaves, Mint Cherry was stopped when he saw a beat up women with short green hair and. She asked him if he knew where can she rest for a while. Mint Cherry took pity on her and led her to his little home. Mint Cherries mother and father told the beat up, women, that she can stay with them till she gets better. The women said nothing. She only kept her head down and stared at the floor. Mint Cherry went off to his room where he and Sad Cherry shared a bed. But Sad Cherry was gone. Mint Cherry went outside to find her. Later on that night, Mint Cherry returned without Sad Cherry. Walking into the dark house, Mint Cherry tripped on something. Turing on the light, Mint Cherry saw he had tripped on his mother's body. Both of his parents were dead on the floor covered in blood, and the green haired women were nowhere to be seen. Walking in a daze Mint Cherry saw Sad Cherry sitting alone by the window.