
Ninja Cherry

Ninja Cherry was a once known thief and assassin in the Forgotten Land before his death. People would hide their belongings and close up their shops around 7:30 because Ninja Cherry would show up terrorizing the place. If anyone tried to stop or wandered into his land, Ninja Cherry he would challenge them into a fight for bothering him or trespassing. Ninja Cherry always won. The people sent their best fighters to stop Ninja Cherry but all they got were their broken bodies back. It was impossible to stop Ninja Cherry and his acts. But sometimes the people would go to Ninja Cherry in secret to ask him to murder someone. Of course, Ninja Cherry accepted the deal only for a high price of gems. Once the deed was done, Ninja Cherry would hike up the prices and gave them two days to pay him. If they couldn't pay Ninja Cherry on time, the black assassin would show up and murder them himself by cursing them with the death punishment. One night while lying down in the grass, Ninja Cherry heard something or someone walking around. Getting up, Ninja Cherry saw a child walking around picking up sticks and squishy apples that fell from the tree and putting them in a sack he carried. Ninja Cherry went over to the child and saw how pathetic and skinny he looked. For the first time in years Ninja Cherry felt awful that the people would let a child so small starve like this. Ninja Cherry decided to take the boy under his wing until he grew up, the little boy told Ninja Cherry his problems and his name, Hudson Cherry. Each night, Ninja Cherry would teach Hudson Cherry how to fight and steal in order to survive. One night, Greedcherry saw two dark figures on the rooftop of his house. The people in the Forgotten Land worried that Ninja Cherry has an accomplice with him, things were getting worse with the two thieves stealing from the lands. A few years later, Ninja Cherry waited for Hudson Cherry to show up but Hudson Cherry was gone. Looking for him, Ninja Cherry found Hudson Cherry in prison. Sneaking in, Ninja Cherry told Hudson Cherry that he was going to get him out, but Hudson Cherry told his friend that he deserved this punishment of being banished. Furious, Ninja Cherry snapped at Hudson Cherry that he didn't deserve this punishment what he did was not wrong because the people hurt him when he was a child. Ninja Cherry opened the caged doors and begged Hudson Cherry to get out and come with him. Hudson Cherry closed the doors and told Ninja Cherry no. Ninja Cherry bribed, pleaded, ordered and slapped Hudson Cherry to escape. The answer was still no. After a while, Ninja Cherry sat down by the door and kept silent. Hudson Cherry told Ninja Cherry that everything will be fine and whatever may happen he won't forget his only teacher and he'll meet up with him soon. Ninja Cherry bit his bottom lip to keep from crying because Hudson Cherry was just trying to make him feel better because nobody ever comes back when they are banished. At dawn, Ninja Cherry asked Hudson Cherry one more time to come with him, Hudson Cherry hugged his teacher goodbye and told him to take care of Gem Cherry with that being said, Ninja Cherry promised Hudson Cherry that he would would then left. That afternoon, Ninja Cherry watched from the trees as they took Hudson Cherry away. Although Ninja Cherry kept on with his acts, he made sure that Gem Cherry was safe and no one bothered her. Gem Cherry didn't know who was protecting her.