
Occult Cherry 

Occult Cherry is the only male White Mage in The Forgotten Land that can tell the future just by reading the moon, sun, and stars. He works with Sugar Cherry and her brother and anyone else who tells the future. Before he was the White Mage Occult Cherry used to worship Devil Cherry and whoever worked with her. His parents told him that if he plays with black magic he will regret it deeply, Occult Cherry just kept reading his black books. He read everything about Devil Cherry and her past, Occult Cherry also read about her parents and her other family members. To him, Loyal Cherry was a joke, and Devil Cherry knew what she was doing, but everybody got in her way. Occult Cherry wanted nothing more then to join her, everything about the fallen Goddess pleased him. To please her, Occult Cherry wanted to sell his soul. A few years later, Occult Cherry was happily married to his wife named Cherry Soap who loved him dearly, but was always afraid when Occult Cherry talked in two voices. Cherry Soap tried to make Occult Cherry leave his black books and other things and pay attention to something else. Occult Cherry felt awful seeing her scared, but he was already lost in Devil Cherries power. One humid night. Occult Cherry walked away from his home in a trance. Not wanting to lose him, Cherry Soap followed him. Little did they know that they were both making a huge mistake. Once arriving at the forest, Occult Cherry begun his devil's magic. Cherry Soap watched in the bushes... Soon Devil Cherry was in front of Occult Cherry. Occult Cherry knew he already made a mistake when she told him that if he wants to join her, he must get rid of the one he loved... His wife. Rejecting her bargain, Occult Cherry tried to leave, but Devil Cherry wouldn't let him. Devil Cherry demanded to Occult Cherry that he will give up his wife's life or else, Occult Cherry begun to fight back. Seeing that her husband was in trouble, Cherry Soap ran up and struck Devil Cherry hard with her wooden cane. Burning with rage, Devil Cherry lunged at Cherry Soap with her ax. Occult Cherry grabbed his wife's hand and made a run for it. Occult Cherry and Cherry Soap ran to an old abandoned warehouse, Devil Cherry was on the roof trying to get in for Occult Cherries soul. Seeing that they were done for, Occult Cherry used old wires and the tassels on his cape to make a rope for Cherry Soap. Breaking the window, Occult Cherry ordered his wife to get out and never return,. Upset and in tears, Cherry Soap begged her husband to let her stay, Occult Cherry told her that this is his punishment not hers. In a haste, Occult Cherry got Cherry Soap out through the broken window cutting his hands in the progress. Cherry Soap got closer and closer to the ground hanging onto the ropes. At last Cherry Soap fell on the ground and ran away into the night. Occult Cherry trembled in fear as he heard Devil Cherry ripping the roof open and jumping in. Behind a locked door, Occult Cherry wrote down words on the floor begging for forgiveness. Soon the door was knocked down and Devil Cherry was blocking the entrench. Occult Cherry violently shook with fear... running at him with the sword, Devil Cherry prepared her death blow. Occult Cherry screamed for Loyal Cherry to forgive him. Occult Cherry heard a sharp clang sound and didn't feel the stab. Occult Cherry opened his eyes and saw Loyal Cherry blocking Devil Cherries sword with his. Occult Cherry couldn't believe it, Loyal Cherry came to save a devil mage like him. Occult Cherry watched in terror as Loyal Cherry fought with his demonic niece. In a flash, Occult Cherry was swooped up in Loyal Cherries arms and the irritated God flew up into the sky with him. Devil Cherry yelled at Occult Cherry that she will get him. Occult Cherry passed out in relief. Occult Cherry woke up in a soft bed in a cool fresh room and saw Loyal Cherry sitting next to him. Loyal Cherry gently brushed Occult Cherries now white hair out of his face and asked him if he is alright now. Embarrassed, Occult Cherry said yes.

A few weeks later after Occult Cherry recovered, Loyal Cherry told him that he needed to talk to him. Judging by the look on Loyal's face it wasn't good. After a stern lecture, Loyal Cherry told Occult Cherry that he cannot return to his wife because Devil Cherry will find them. Devastated, Occult Cherry agreed with Loyal that he won't return to his wife. Devil Cherry already knew Occult Cherries voice and he says one word, she could find him. To protect Occult Cherry from Devil Cherries power, Loyal Cherry took away Occult Cherries voice. Now to communicate, Occult Cherry could only talk whenever Loyal was around. Leaving, Occult Cherry began his new life as a mute... Occult Cherry heard his parents warning in his head... If you play with the Devil's Magic you'll regret this deeply.

Occult Cherry regretted it.