


2 years, 10 months ago


Jack Lupis


Jack is a deceptive and sneaky fellow who's been on the run for years! From his time of stealing and even killing he's become an agile but sick twisted individual who just wants to hurt others for his own gain.

He really has a kick for being in the spotlight, he'll go all lengths to cause bounty hunters/sheriffs to retire just so he could entertain himself with the news that he contributed to that happening.


But despite his villainous he has currently, he used to be very poor. Living in terrible run-of-the-mill houses and stealing food just so he could eat. However one day he snapped and decided he didn't want to live the life style he was currently living and so he planned to rob a bank.

At first he hated the idea and genuinely felt awful thinking about it but when it came time to execute the plan he was ecstatic, the adrenalin rush felt amazing and the fact that it worked so easily he had to do it again.

So then he went on to rob more banks and when it became such a big habit he became a bounty, but the difference from the other bounties is that he used knives which meant melee fights rather than a standoff - his speed would always catch up to the sheriffs who tried catching him and once they were in a knife fight with Jack? It was death at that stage.


  • He's got a pretty scuffed up right ear, his tail is also kinda scruffy
  • His shirt has an "X" mark right of his chest and being the self centered asshole that he is, he wears this shirt all the time.
  • His jacket is so messy that it has a bite mark wtf.
  • Bandages r a fun thig  i legit added them for no other reason except that.




  • Bones
  • Knife Throwing
  • Thanksgiving


  • Literally anyone who isn't him
  • Perfume/the smell of it
  • Dark Chocolate

Fun Facts

  • He eats other animals - eating animals in this world is of course shamed and forbidden because EVERYONE is a gotdam animal but he honestly could not care less. 
  • "I gotta eat" ~ Jack about to devour a rabbit he just fucking murdered: 2021.
  • Enjoys to style himself and in general dress up n shit.
  • Actually enjoys the sound of fingernails on a chalk board.

I gotta eat