


2 years, 7 months ago


Phineas Naso


Phineas is an energetic goofball who just wants to have a straight up good time making machines and technology! He's incredibly smart which also makes him very cheeky which is seen with his interactions with Alonzo: teasing him and cracking jokes to make him smile.

He and Alonzo were good friends from the beginning/young adults and once Alonzo became a bounty hunter, Phineas used his engineering skills to make Alonzo's guns and overall gear. They are the bestest of friends still okay i love them


He was born with a missing left leg which heavily affected his generally image to the other kids in his town, this made him a very flexible kid however and was when he truly adopted his go-getter attitude.

But as he was growing up he also had a passion for crafting and engineering, making his own makeshift race kart as a kid!

After he became older he planned to make his own left leg for himself, after tedious work and effort he created his leg! Proud of his work he went out and showed it off only to be treated with others making fun of him for it/being almost scared of it. This made him the introvert that he is to this day. He's not as self conscious of his leg anymore but he still doesn't like going outside (It's kinda like a habit now).


  • Welp let's start with the obvious - he has a cool left robot leg lol
  • His right ear has lil holes in it - did someone nearly eat him? Was he born with it? You decide. (another way of saying its just a fun character design thing)
  • he has a white lil bandage on his right cheek (I FUCKED IT UP ON THE LIL REF ON THE SIDE HE DOESNT HAVE IT ON HIS LEFT CHEEK-)
  • His overalls on one side is loose
  • Ink stains on his foot :]




  • Whipped Cream
  • Bingo Games
  • Energy Drinks


  • Dog Food
  • Any form of Sport
  • Sparkling Water

Fun Facts

  • He can do really specific skills - He can juggle,, why? Idk he just has the ability to do so
  • Dude has a hard time reading social ques since he doesn't talk to anyone but Alonzo
  • If he were to live in a modern society he would absolutely love gas stations and the junk food

go crazy agwhagwha go stupid