
species and base (c) comically on chickensmoothie

#f2eef4 || #ece0ec || #dbc8db || #855787 || #d643d6 || #6746d6 || #5ad546 || #e8e420

✂ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name :: Synn [pronounced like "sign"]

Gender :: Male [he/him pronouns]

Species :: Sleepy Dragon

Synn could be seen as your typical Sleepy Dragon. He is constantly

found sleeping in odd locations, and when he is not, he is usually 

roaming around in search of his next resting location. He is not 

picky in the slightest, and could sleep atop a pile of twigs if he had 

to. Synn is also big on snacking. Although he rarely has a true meal,

he grazes on various edibles all day long. There is not much that he

would not eat. Synn is actually not picky when it comes to anything. 

He is not difficult to please and is usually content in doing whatever. 

Past sleeping and snacking, he loves to socialize with other dragons. 

He will strike up a conversation with anyone and enjoys handing out 

advice to those going through some sort of trouble, though he is not 

usually taken seriously, since this advice is uttered though a series of 

yawns. Despite how much sleep he manages to get, he always seems 

to be tired. 

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