Kaeya's Comments

heya! how much are you looking for them? ^^ 💜

I paid 100 so im looking for around that! I also have an art piece I need to upload

oh I can do that! ~ 

Sure! My paypal is [email protected] !! I'm currently out of town. Upload the photo as soon as I can

I sent it over! ~ 

Take good care of them!!!!

Thank you so so much I adore them! 💕 

ru looking only at usd for them?

Yes- USD only right now ; u;

Hey! Do you have an idea of how long the bidding is going to be open or an AB in mind? I'm super interested in this baby!

Edit: nevermind, apparently I can't read. Sorry about that!

Oi that’s absolutely okay!! And it probably won’t have an AB until Friday!(or might not have an AB at all)



30 :)

40 ^___^



6 Replies