
Prince Cyanide Cherry Poisonsoul

Prince Cyanide Cherry is nothing like his older brother Prince Toxic Cherry, a power greedy young prince who only wants to rule the kingdom that King Venom Cherry will leave for Prince Toxic Cherry one day. Prince Cyanide Cherry rarely heads out to join the people and their daily activities and work, Prince Cyanide Cherry just stays in his room or reads in the library about his parents history. Queen Poison Cherry sometimes brings other kids to bond with her son but it's very hard to talk with Prince Cyanide Cherry because the air he exhales is extremely poisonous and can kill a grown man in ten seconds. So whenever Queen Poison Cherry and King Venom Cherry have parties, the guests and Prince Cyanide Cherry must wear masks to stay safe. Prince Cyanide Cherry hates wearing a mask whenever he heads out so he just stays inside reading. Although Prince Cyanide Cherry hates bonding with people, he adores his great-grandfather Christmascherry who is the only one who can talk to him without wearing a mask because Christmascherry is immune to poison and poisonous gas. Each weekends, Prince Cyanide Cherry waits by the door waiting impatiently for his great-grandfather who stays over at the kingdom for the weekends. Sometimes Queen Poison Cherry heads over to Empress Evilcherry for a visit, Prince Cyanide Cherry tags along with his mother to see the powerful Empress who Prince Cyanide Cherry calls grandma. Sometimes when Prince Cyanide Cherry heads out to buy some parts, people stare at the prince who has no arm and leg, and wears a eye patch, Prince Cyanide Cherry hates being stared at, so he buys his things and runs home. Prince Cyanide Cherry lost his leg, arm, eye and his soul in a accident that happened a few years ago. The only way to save him was to keep his soul in a caged vest that he wears each day, no doctor wanted to work on Prince Cyanide fearing for their lives, the only one who went into the operating room was Dried Cherry who worked on his student Prince Cyanide Cherry for 30 hours. After the operation, Prince Cyanide Cherry felt lost and scared but very powerful which scares his parents. The only one who understands Prince Cyanide Cherry is his brother.

Prince Cyanide Cherry's Search.

After hearing about Blood Cherry's kidnapping, Prince Cyanide Cherry searched high and low for his best friend. For a long time, Cyanide went around each town and city asking anyone if they had seen a bleeding boy, no one saw him. Cyanide never gave up hope when most of the people did. A month later, Prince Cyanide saw that the signs went down and no one was looking for Blood Cherry. Thorn Cherry and his brothers were gone still looking for Blood Cherry. Thistle Cherry was with Royal Cherry. Queen Poison Cherry told her son that Blood Cherry was probably dead already. Cyanide didn't want to hear it. At last, Thorn Cherry and his brothers came back. Still no Blood Cherry. Blood Cherry was proclaimed dead. Cyanide didn't believe it. Cyanide was up late up one night in deep thought and reading about Blood's pure healing blood. Blood Cherry's blood stays pure as long as he is alive. How can a boy vanish in one night without a leaving a trace? Prince Cyanide had to find Blood Cherry. Something was wrong. The next morning, Prince Cyanide was talking with Spicedcherry's daughter about Blood Cherry, she herself didn't know where he was. At that point, Prince Cyanide was getting irritated, so he left the clueless girl. Prince Cyanide went to the same spot where Blood Cherry had vanished. Hidden in the bush was Blood Cherry's ribbon. The ribbon Bittercherry wears. One clue. Ignoring everyone who was bowing down to him, Prince Cyanide ran to see Slumber Berry and her mother. There, Wild Cherry lead Prince Cyanide to the blood room where Prince Cyanide found a bag of Blood Cherry's blood. It was still clean and in good use. Second clue. I dawned onto Cyanide. Everyone wanted Blood Cherry's blood. Even a fallen goddess that Dragon Cherry told Cyanide about. Blood Cherry was kidnapped and Devil Cherry had him. Time was running out. Rushing back, Cyanide swiped Spicedcherry's and his daughters, and Empress Evilcherry's tomes. Late at night where Blood Cherry vanished, Prince Cyanide opened the gateway to Infernum.

Once To Save A Boy.

Prince Cyanide Cherry went into the gate and went down the stairs. Hearing the screams and laughter terrified Prince Cyanide, but he had to save his friend. Prince Cyanide looked into Empress Evilcherry's book and saw the map around in the underworld. Blood Cherry was tuck in the jails. After dodging and entering a few doors, Prince Cyanide arrived at a cage, inside was Blood Cherry. Quietly, Prince Cyanide called Blood Cherry. Blood Cherry looked up and saw his friend. Cyanide and Blood were so excited but they kept silent. Prince Cyanide ran to the cage and pried the door open with his tools and pulled Blood Cherry out. After a quick hug and a few tears, Prince Cyanide and Blood Cherry ran to the gate to get out. Once arriving outside, Prince Cyanide Cherry told Blood Cherry to get out of the land quick with his family. Blood Cherry ran home to his father and uncles. The next day Prince Cyanide saw that Blood Cherry and his family were gone. Like Thistle Cherry, they were with Royal Cherry. Prince Cyanide Cherry went home where a box was on his bed. Inside was an orange with a thank you note from Thorn Cherry. Prince Cyanide Cherry sat outside looking at the sky eating his orange and smiling.

The Kidnapping and Torture

One night while beach combing alone, Prince Cyanide saw a figure standing alone by the sand dunes. Not wanting to bother the person, Cyanide packed up and left. Looking back after walking a few feet Cyanide saw that the figure moved to where he was once standing. Nervous, Prince Cyanide started to jog to the lighthouse, the figure was walking after him. Prince Cyanide saw and broke into a run, the figure ran after him. Prince Cyanide kept running praying that the person would go, but it didn't. At last Cyanide outran the person but he kept running until he was in the garden his mother grew. Prince Cyanide caught his breath and walked to his home, the ground opened underneath him and swallowed him into the dark cold earth. No one saw Cyanide vanish.

A few hours later, Cyanide woke up inside a cage in a dark hot room. Prince Cyanide called out for anyone. No one came. Prince Cyanide didn't go back to sleep he was too scared. Even though she didn't show herself Cyanide knew who got him. It was Devil Cherry. An hour later the door opened and two black oily men stood in front of the cage with a women with teal hair. Furious, Prince Cyanide pressed against the back of the cage and glared at the men. Devil Cherry came up from behind the men and said hello sweetly to Cyanide. Cyanide didn't say anything to her. Devil Cherry asked Cyanide a few questions but he didn't respond. Slightly angry, Devil Cherry told Cyanide about Blood Cherry and how she knew it was Cyanide who helped Blood Cherry escaped. Cyanide kept glaring at her. At last Devil Cherry told Cyanide that she will set him free for a small fee. Cyanide didn't say anything. Devil Cherry told Cyanide that if he tells her where Blood Cherry is, he'll be set free and she only wanted a little bit of blood to help the teal haired women. Devil Cherry held out her hand and ask Cyanide if he agrees. Cyanide ran forward and punched Devil Cherry hard in the face. Devil Cherry fell backwards and was spat on by Cyanide. Prince Cyanide cursed at her and yelled that she was a liar. Furious Devil Cherry told the men to take Cyanide to the torture chamber.