

Psychedeliccherry is a 80 million year old demented women who used to be the teacher for Evilcherry. She is found walking around talking to herself and has a derpy smile on her face like she just won the lottery. Psychedeliccherry is know to have some demonic power that will turn anybody she sees or talks to evil like her. Just because she wears bright clothes does not mean she is nice. if she wants somebody to join her she will tempt them and take the hand of the victim and bite down on the hand and then after that he or she belong to her. She always gets her way. Before all of this had happen she used to be a girl that heard demonic voices always talking to her. At last she said that she wanted to join them, but in order to become a demon she must sacrifice her younger sister Bittercherry, after the murder Psychedelic ran away and was never the same after the sacrifice. She never regretted the murder of her sister.