

An over aggressive deformed creature, Radioactive is the leader of Biohazard and Atomic. Nobody knows what gender Radioactive is of it's name, even Radioactive forgot, years ago, Radioactive was trying to create a machine that could make a human more powerful then their regular power. But first, Radioactive needed a test subject. After dragging a grown man into the machine, Radioactive turned it on. But the machine begun to break down so Radioactive put the test on hold. Radioactive's teachers said that what Radioactive was doing was a dangerous test and it should be abandoned. Radioactive was angry that they were trying to stop it's test... So Radioactive decided to test the machine in secret. A year later, Radioactive tried again only on himself. Biohazard and Atomic turned on the machine. That's when everything went terribly wrong The machine shut down and locked up with Radioactive inside, Atomic and Biohazard tried to pry the door open but the machine began to leak out toxic chemicals and gas spilling all over Radioactive, Biohazard and Atomic burning  their bodies. Terrified, Atomic and Biohazard tried to turn on the machine but little did they know was that it was already too late. The machine exploded with Radioactive inside and killing everyone in the building. A few months past and Radioactive woke up with a destroyed body and mind. Atomic and Biohazard were nowhere to be seen. Crawling away, Radioactive left the destroyed building. A few months later, Radioactive met Biohazard living behind a hospital tearing away into bags that held bio hazard waste hoping to find whatever it'll need to fix it's body. Days later, they Radioactive found Atomic held captive.