Salted Cherry




Salted Cherry

Salted Cherry is the first and only oldest brother of Sourcherry. Born a sickly thin baby on a warm July afternoon Salted Cherry's  parents thought that their first born was already facing death. But Salted Cherry beat the odds and pulled through. Although Salted Cherry survived, he was still sick and thin. He didn't eat much at home due to his sensitive stomach and at school he rarely joined in the school activities. Salted Cherry kept to himself and played by the beach writing or taking pictures of whatever he saw in the water.. His family members and teachers said that his name should by Sick Cherry or Stupid Cherry but his parents named him Salted Cherry since he loved the salty water. Years went by and Salted Cherry was in and out of hospital's dealing with needles and medicine after each appointment, Salted Cherry always ran to the beach where he felt calm and happy. Studying near the beach for hours, Salted Cherry knew what he wanted to do with his life he wanted to become a Marine Biologist... but he never did get to become what he dreamed of. A year later after coming home from a long week at the hospital, Salted Cherry went upstairs to his room to get his notebook, entering, Salted Cherry found a crib near his bed with a sleeping blue haired baby in it. Salted Cherry's long lonely days turned into sweet happy days with his new sister. Salted Cherry never left her side and he was the one who named her Sourcherry due to her snappy sour attitude. One day while sitting by the water, Salted Cherry took her hand and told her that he won't be with her for long and that after he leaves, she'll die two times. Sourcherry didn't understand why he said that and started crying. Nobody, not even his parents knew Salted Cherry's power. Salted Cherry was a Death Whisperer. He could tell the death of anyone and how it would happen, especially what time, place and date... even himself. Salted Cherry tried to remain strong for his sister but knowing your own death doesn't help.