
Starlight Cherry

The first born of Sun and Moon Cherry, Starlight is the only one who can control the stars and her father considering the fact that he is a huge fiery red star. Years ago before the Damnation Of The World's, Starlight was a premature baby that Moon had, if Moon gave birth to Starlight outside of the kingdom, Starlight would have died without the protection of her uncle Loyal. A few months after her birth, Starlight could already think clearly and she inherited her power at a young age which she used to get whatever she wanted by controlling her father. From bottles of milk to priceless necklaces and other beautiful objects, Starlight got it all whenever she controlled her father. Sun Cherry could control his daughter as well but he didn't fearing that he might kill her. After so many gifts being given to Starlight, Moon had to put a cover over Sun's eyes so Starlight wouldn't get him. A lot like her father, Starlight likes to play rough and get into trouble when Moon and Sun were busy, they left Starlight was left alone with Sky who disliked her with a passion. Starlight was a baby at the time, Starlight knew that Sky was a prissy stuck up God, so Starlight practically drove him insane from her acts. From yanking his hair and sometimes setting Sky on fire, Starlight did everything she can to make Sky scream, cry and beg her to behave. Starlight was just beginning. When the world was dying, by the power of Loyal, Starlight was put to sleep with her parents. For years, Starlight grew up in the hidden world with her parents... Then at last, Starlight woke up... By then, Starlight was already a woman. After setting the stars back in place and waking up her father, Starlight was looking up at the black sky and remembered someone she use to know, running, Starlight saw a God who was closing the broken sky and clearing it up, Starlight threw a rock at the God's head. Sky cursed out Death thinking it was him, but realized that it wasn't Death... It was Starlight. A few years later, Starlight became the wife of Sky.