Sun Cherry Blazing Soul



Sun Cherry Blazing Soul

Sun Cherry is one of the Gods that survived the Damnation Of  The World along with his wife and daughter. Before his name change, Sun Cherry is what you call one of the ancient Gods that ruled the world before. Long ago, the glowing fiery sun stayed up all day and never went down, night never existed. The Moon was never born. One sunny day Sun born. Each Goddess and god were so pleased to see a new God, something was wrong though. The child never slept, all the child did was play with his hands and cry. His parents, Rayon and Faisceau were worried about their newborn son, they tried to everything to make him sleep. Rocking, patting, singing and leaving him alone. Nothing worked. the baby only cried when they left him alone. At last, Rayon said that they should stay with him while the other sleeps. Rayon stayed awake while his wife slept, tired, Rayon fell asleep. Waking up by the screaming, Rayon looked outside and saw the sky was dark. screaming in terror, Rayon woke up his wife and told her the world was ending. Faisceau grabbed her baby Rayon and her ran out the door. Outside, they saw Seikatsu looking up at the black sky. All of the Goddesses and Gods fell to the floor and begged Seikatsu for another chance. Seikatsu said bitterly that she wasn't ending the world; the sun left for some reason. Looking at her baby, Faisceau saw that her baby was sleeping and wouldn't wake up. Each God and Goddess tried to wake up the sleeping baby, but the baby just slept with a smile on his face. Seikatsu said that they should wait and try to go to sleep. A few hours later Seikatsu saw the sun returning and the baby was awake. This continued for weeks, at last Seikatsu proclaimed that the child controls the sun. The first and only God that could, no other God or Goddess could. Knowing the sun is the only light that they have, and without it, they would die his father Rayon made sure that Sun Cherry was protected and pleased at all times. Sun hated the way everyone watched his every single move and with all their attempts to please him was only getting him angry. Years later, Sun had a new brother named Fire.