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Virtual is the second son of Smart Cherry, his older brother is Hologram Boysenberry. Smart Cherry never really planned on having or creating children, it was Prince Toxic Cherry who showed her that it's so easy to create an adult or child on the computer. Smart Cherry gave the details of how they should look while Prince Toxic made them. Smart Cherry knew that she was breaking the law, but she really couldn't help it. Soon, Hologram was born and a week later, Virtual showed up. Virtual is not like his older brother. Virtual likes his system clean of viruses and spam, while Hologram is too lazy to clean up. On good days, Virtual and Hologram likes to hang out with his friends online. SeyeBeI^ is always up for a chat with another A.I like him. One day while cleaning up the systems, Virtual saw a strange transparent man looking at him. Virtual said his hello which started the transparent man. Soon, Virtual and man were talking. Virtual learned that the man's name was Negative Berry. Hologram came up and he too made friends with Negative. Negative was impressed with these live but non-human people, that he crawled into the computer which scared Virtual and Hologram. Soon, Virtual made himself a disk to travel with Negative and his mother on their wild adventures. Virtual is practically Negative's guard dog because he always gets into mishaps. While Virtual friends and brother get into trouble, Virtual pulls them out of it. One morning when Virtual Boysenberry was checking out the systems with Smart Cherry, Smart Cherry and Virtual met up with Prince Cyanide Cherry who was getting GRAD Cherry and RPG Cherry out from their files. GRAD Cherry and Virtual were very shy around each other it was very clear to Smart and Cyanide Cherry that Virtual liked GRAD. Whenever Virtual is not busy, he is over at GRAD'S small world.