
6 years, 7 months ago




Obtained: Info Here
Status: Active; Main
Worth: $999
Notes: Blue eyes rather than red.
Creator: Jayden

Layout by Jayden   •   Image by Unknown


adjective • adjective • adjective
Name Mikaela Birthdate May 1
Age Old Zodiac Scorpio
Gender Male Orientation Unknown
Species Vampire Voice Kenshō Ono
Relationship In love Song Song Link
Alignment Neutral Good MBTI ENTP

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae orci quam. Suspendisse interdum hendrerit lacinia. Sed vel sem consectetur, suscipit nunc a, accumsan arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent varius lorem odio, vel mattis ex consectetur a. Vestibulum consequat fringilla mi, ac cursus lacus sollicitudin non. Sed interdum lectus sit amet aliquam viverra. Morbi mattis semper ipsum nec tincidunt. Suspendisse pharetra, metus sit amet volutpat sagittis, augue massa faucibus metus, non bibendum nibh lectus eget turpis. Donec laoreet porttitor euismod. Integer faucibus eros ex, ut posuere leo elementum eleifend. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel tempus lectus, vel sagittis velit. Integer ullamcorper nunc eget turpis consectetur luctus.

ed vel sem consectetur, suscipit nunc a, accumsan arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent varius lorem odio, vel mattis ex consectetur a. Vestibulum consequat fringilla mi, ac cursus lacus sollicitudin non. Sed interdum lectus sit amet aliquam viverra. Morbi mattis semper ipsum nec tincidunt. Suspendisse pharetra, metus sit amet volutpat sagittis, augue massa faucibus metus, non bibendum nibh lectus eget turpis. Donec laoreet porttitor euismod. Integer faucibus eros ex, ut posuere leo elementum eleifend. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel tempus lectus, vel sagittis velit. Integer ullamcorper nunc eget turpis consectetur luctus.

Abel is literally the best person on the face of the earth. Seriously, he makes Ghandi and Jesus look like assholes. Even though he's a teen with shitty pay, he always donates to charity and buys everyone he knows gifts. His entire collection, which is large, is given to him by the many people who like him.

He may look like a completely normal boy, but that would be the opposite of the case. In fact, he is part of an individual a certain type of human called Mana Shifters. These magical people are affected by a strange virus that allows them to shift into a unique shape called a Mana Form. This form is based on elements, mythical creatures, and the Shifter's personality.

Abel's personality gives him a form that resembles a harpy, a dragon, and a a siren. It gives him power over vapors and steam.