051. Our Holy Mother



2 years, 6 months ago


Our Holy Mother of Vitriol. 

Ancient deity who uses acid liberally. 

Her usual trademark is acid similar to what is found in the human stomach, but much stronger. 

Has a small, but dedicated following. They refer to the afterlife as 'joining Our Mother in Her Holy Viscera'. 

Has a soothing, gentle voice that tickles the edge of your brain. Can easily lull people into a false sense of security. 

Easy to provoke, and extremely violent when upset. 

Many parallels have been drawn between the imagery Our Mother uses and the symbolism of Christian angels. 

Followers are encouraged to self mutilate to worship Her, especially through the use of acid or other types of burns. It is said they are making themselves more holy by proving their faith. 

Said to be able to use her followers as a mouthpiece, although this has never been directly observed by anyone outside of the cult.