

2 years, 7 months ago



"H-Hey, Cyan...i will not tell anyone ok. It will be only between us, you're my bestfriend and i can't imagine my life without you especially if the others know about it"

Pronouns: he/him/them

Species: longer one lol

Sexuality: n/a

  • Crewmate have no actual name tbh but they call each other with the colour code they assign to
  • His old name is Andrea (like the thsc ver of him) but i decided that kinda boring so no same name and they both are completely different character now
  • He love coffee very much especially the one that Pink brew for him
  • CYAP0 have no gender btw and pronouns doesn't prove their gender. In my hcs, the crewmates never show their face even to each other and their voices got altered when speak through their helmet so no one actually know how everyone look like
  • He and Pink relationship is 100% platonic or queerplatonic (pick any that suits you) but never romantic!

A normal crewmate who responsible on fixing any wiring problem around the ship :D! He hate his job but couldn't bother much since he get paid anyway, he goes around with the code CYAP0/Cyan. He have a friend called Pink and a stickman pet that he rescue on one of his expedition.

One day, Cyan goes to search a bit of resources to be examine in the lab at Polus because DG ask him for it. At time he was collecting, he get attack by an alien but manage to get away from it by the help of Black who roaming at that time. The alien only manage to struck his hand with their tentacles, its not that serious but Cyan get pretty sick after that.

He feel something tiggling at his arm, he get dizzy and passed out for some period of time before waking up on different location. He lost interest on eating food and drink, he spent most of his day working for some wiring problem before head to his cell to sleep until the next day...

...he feel hungry...