Lantern (Lanterns Journal)




The Cabin

The Cabin


Time passes us by
It feels so painfully slow
If you blink at the wrong moment it'll pass you by
Years become seconds
Days become moments
Hours become memories
We live in now
We decorate time with music and laughs and meaningful experiences
I can never cherish it fully
To full breathe in the time we have
So it never feels full
How can I fully appreciate time if it goes by so quickly?
These moments so fleeting
If you blink at the wrong time it'll pass us by
Years become seconds
Days become moments
Hours become memories
I live in the past
Decorating my thoughts with music,  laughter and meaningful memories
Time passes me by
And no matter how hard I try
I can never truly appreciate the moments we shared.


Someone followed me today. Very small and frail. I suppose it was my light. Even after it went out they continued to follow, until complete exhaustion.
No food, or water. Yet they continued on.
I do not understand.

From the moment I first saw them, they looked sad. A face showing so much pain. They carry the same kind of pain and heartache as I do. Why do they follow? I am not like them, I do not need to rest, I do not need nutrients to survive. I am not accommodating, yet they do not give up. Why? You should live as a person, with others, Friend. There’s a life there, away from here that I could never give you.

I led us to a nearby stream where they could replenish themselves, knowing that they would not have done so otherwise. Why do they continue to follow me?

  • I'm starting to grow fond of them.
  • There is nowhere for us to go.


The Cabin
Nostalgic Tears

Far away in green fields
My memories
If I had the chance to relive those days
I couldn't decide to take it or run away for good
Nostalgia is running down my face in tears
Sitting in my room
Thinking of how you hurt me
I hope the future is good
But I'd still love you if I could
Nostalgia is haunting me
With all those sweet memories ruined for good.

--They spoke to me. I feel some guilt that I cannot return the favor, but. It was pleasant. I listened as they spoke. I wonder why today was the first time they've done so. I learned their name is Aulus. A wonderful name.

I wonder, what is the point of all this? I have doubts often, I have so much time to myself, I think often on these things. All I know is that I cannot stop. I still feel it calling. I cannot rest until I find it. Time doesn't stop. Will I run out of time one day? The days , the months, the years continue on and they don't stop. Is my time limited? Is Aulus fated to help me? Or is this some silly coincidence?  There are so many questions I have yet to answer.

I feel Aulus must have latched onto me because they have no one else. If they have no one else but me, then they're a truly unfortunate being. I cannot do anything for you my friend.


Perhaps I should consider finding some sort of shelter for Aulus. The long nights are difficult for him. I fear they do not sleep, they never look terribly rested. I do not know where to find such a place within this forest. Perhaps I can make one.

He would like that.

I feel happy.


The Cabin

Aulus gave me a some flowers today. I never thought this forest could have such beautiful things inside it. He said they reminded him of me, how curious... and thoughtful. Very unexpected. Aulus has been becoming more affectionate towards me, truth be told I am doing the same. I've become quite attached. I've even had the urge to pat him on the head once in a while. After he gave me the flower I did so and he lit up with happiness.  It was nice.


We've begun making a small shelter in a nice clearing, it's near a creak and lots of glowing mushrooms are in this area as well. I believe they bring Aulus some form of comfort.

There is much to do, but I must admit, I am happy.

It isn't much thus far. I've been able to acquire some logs and Aulus has made a small fire pit outside the area we plan to build the actual cabin in. I have never done this before.

The Cabin


We now have a new member. Aulus brought them to my attention as we walked as per usual. We heard some noises, which wasn't out of the ordinary, Aulus still went to look however. I'm proud of him, he's a tad less timid than when we first met. 

We found a creature in fight with a pack of other animals. I assumed for food. This is common within the forest. It is not the most hospital to living creatures. Aulus however was very concerned. He begun to fight off the small pack of animals and I was not too keen on watching him hurt himself. I've never intervened with natures system before.

The being we saved was fortunately not hurt too badly. Naturally, it was afraid. 

I watched as Aulus calmed the creature, and gained its trust. I wonder, how did he come by my trust so easily as well? He is gifted, or perhaps it's his helplessness. 

We led the creature to our cabin, I was surprised he was so willing to bring it here. He's always so cautious and at times leery. Does he feel a sort of kinship with this being? I wonder.

They slept together on the floor of our cabin huddled in a ball, shivering the entire winter night, I hadn't realized how cold Aulus must've been all this time.
I wish he had said something. I do not feel cold myself, I cannot know what he goes through day to day. I will always try. Perhaps that's why, is he trying to be strong for me?

Perhaps I should make him a bed, and some furniture. He must need more than just an empty room. 

This is my next goal.