


6 years, 8 months ago


Name: Cziqe Aurovai

Level: 41

Class: Gunslinger [Sharpshooter]

Species: Rattataki/Umbaran hybrid

Alignment: Dark!! Bad!! Evil!!

Quote: "If I get killed, I'm gonna be so mad."


  • he/him or they/them // aromantic demisexual // no 

 The bastard child of a Rattataki slaver and an Umbaran slave, Cziqe  didn't exactly have the best of childhoods. He picked up his father's  natural abilities to tell when someone is lying (almost as if he could  read minds), and his mother's culture and willingness to kill. Cziqe's  telepathy was something he could not control, and was often kept awake  at night by the thoughts of the slaves around him. 

After his mother was murdered by a former slave turned sith lord that  called herself "Vagua the Manipulator" or something, Cziqe abandoned  Rattatak in his mid-teens in favor of opportunities away from selling  people and took to life as a smuggler and pirate. From there, he did his  best to do his job efficiently -- preferring to shoot and kill anything  that made his life mildly inconvenient. His abilities as a mind reader  made him extremely cynical and nihilistic, believing that everyone is a  liar and no one's life is worth anything.  Cziqe's attitude towards  sentients quickly turned from apathy to absolute loathing, and he felt  that forming attachments and making connections was for ineficcient  suckers that needed help to get the job done. He's become a cruel and  unpredictable hired gun in addition to his work as a smuggler, and  doesn't care about consequences as long as he gets paid.