void's Comments

can i offer art/custom for the silly?

examples here : https://toyhou.se/24903991.full-render

I'd be down for the custom for them

OK! DM me what kind of custom you want and I'll get started on them! x3 


Is this character ufo by any chance? (If not that's fine:)  )

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Heheh yes they cute blob ^^

I will gib kiss

Fav'd + entering! owo


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16#ticket uwu

Faved the bean id love to enter


Faved & would like to enter pls

14#ticket ^^

Definitely fave and entering!

13#ticket ^^

faved and entering

12# ticket ^^

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11# ticket woooo!!!


10# ticket hehe ^^

Faved and entering!

9#Ticket ^^

Faved and entering (≧▽≦)

8#Ticket >W<!!!

Favorited and entering! 😳 He's really cute!

7# ticket 

and ty cyber uwu

he have the soft sweater OUO!

faved and entering : ]]

6# Ticket >W<

faved and entering

5# Ticket!!

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4# Ticket   

Faved! And am entering!

3# Ticket >w


Wowie congratulations Gore u win the bean ^^ 

adqwqsas ahhhhh thank you!!!!!

i faved them and i am entering

they are so cute and adorable.

awww Ty Natt 2# ticket for u uwu

faved them and entering!

1#ticket ^^