Afriel Lukahr



6 years, 8 months ago


| This bio may contain rather violent content, so be cautious as you read. It specifically has gore, blood, demons, etc. This is supposed to coincide with the comic I’ll be making later on, so things needed to have a different aspect on it.  It also now takes place in a fantasy version of Earth, but there is some logic behind this of course. <3 Enjoy!  I can always do modern day AU’s unless you’d prefer to stick with the fantasy medieval era.  Also, here are some cool ships that I think might be compatible or love-hate relationship for my bby. ( I also don’t mind full on hate ships. )

Afriel x Demon

  Afriel x Priest/Exorcist    

 Afriel x Prince/King

 Afriel x Princess/Queen

   Afriel x Angel

AfrielxHumanoidFantasyPeeps. ( Etc )

 It all just depends on your muse. I don’t want any of your humanoid oc bebs to feel left out, so throw anything at em.  I ESPECIALY LOVE FANTASY CREATURES SO- PLZZZZZ.  Also, we don’t always have to ship, they can be best friends or rivals. I really LOVE the idea of focusing on bonds and adventures as much as I love smut.~|| ~~ ~

Afriel’s Prologue

  Humans and mythical creatures have coexisted since the beginning of time on Earth. Disagreements were of course bound to happen, but nonetheless, it was a peaceful place to live.. At least that’s what the inhabitants of Earth thought. Two angels wanted to live among them to simply be apart of their world. They wanted the joys of having their own child, so the creator granted that wish for them. These two angels were Isaac and Ariel. They are deeply in love with each other. It was a simple day, a young chubby boy would run back and forth through the meadow fields, his icy blue eyes gazing upon all the beautiful scenery around him. The summer breeze blew the flowers back and forth and gently caused his white hair to flow with the wind. Afriel slowly stopped running as he noticed someone on the floor What could they possibly be doing? Out of curiosity, Afriel knelt down only to hear a giggle escape from their lips.  “Looks like you found me.~ What are you even doing up this early so distant from the house?” Elena asked, slowly getting up onto her four legs. She was a deer centaur, they were naturally kind. Deer Centaurs are native to the area that Afriel and his parents were staying at.  The angel blinked and looked up at her, scratching his head just a bit. “I was just.. Um.. Playing?” He grinned rather cutely, hoping she’d just pass it off. Elena was like another mother to him, so he was expecting to get a scolding. Though, too his surprise, she just laughed it off.  “Well you continue doing whatever you’re doing, Afriel. I wont tell a soul. Just don’t venture out too far. I wouldn’t want a sweetheart like you to get lost.” She said, kissing his forehead as she made her way off. Afriel nodded as he walked in the opposite direction. He wished that he could fly, but his wings were so small! They were just maybe 2 feathers on his back.

Afriel’s wings probably wouldn’t even grow in fully until he’s 120! All the mythical creatures lived long lives except for humans. They aged differently than the rest of the species. Afriel never met a human up close, but his parents warned him that not all of them were good. They were said to have dark spots in their hearts, some had smaller ones, while others had big ones! That was meant to represent how bad they were. His parents didn’t go into anymore detail, but he always wondered what happened when their hearts became completely dark. Could it also happen to angels, elves, mermaids? Perhaps he thought too much.  Afriel soon went to play with the other kids, his parents probably weren’t worried since angel’s could sense other angel’s life force. This took until around night time where they all were now heading home. He opened the door, being greeted by his parents. “Aw! Look at our little angel, he thinks he’s all grown now. All the other angels are so jealous of you because you were born. You’re such a lucky angel, now aren’t you?” Ariel cooed as she picked Afriel up, holding him close. She resembled her son in so many ways, and their named clearly were similar.  “Honey, he’s only four, don’t encourage him.” Isaac said as he laughed softly.  Afriel blinked and pouted just a bit as he rose a brow. “I-I’m a big boy.” He whined, glaring at his dad. Of course Isaac just got up and ruffled his hair.

“Whatever kiddo, say, how about you go to your room for a few, make sure you close your door. Your mother and I will get dinner started.” He said. Ariel placed her son down as he soon went off to the room.  A sigh left Isaac’s lips as he leaned against the wall, gazing at Ariel. “The blood moon is tonight.. What are we going to do?” He asked, holding his head. Ariel looked away as she took some pots out along with food to cook.  “Isaac.. Those legends about the blood moon are just a bunch of old tales. God would never let such creatures walk upon the earth. Lighten up.” Ariel chopped up some meat along with carrots, placing them in the pot to stew. “As long as we serve under the Lord, everything should be fine.”   “How can you be so blind Ariel?! Our son, the villagers, they’re all in danger!” Isaac snapped as he quickly calmed down. “We can’t stay ignorant to what’s out there.. This small village isn’t going to keep us safe forever. It’s been thousands of years since we watched the first blood moon. Innocent lives were lost.. Angels on earth were sacrificed to summon-” Before Isaac could finish, the ground beneath them began to shake. Fear was now in the both of their eyes as they looked at each other. “You get Afriel to somewhere safe while I warn the villagers.” He went over to Ariel and gave her a deep kiss, soon running outside.  Ariel could feel all the anxiety rushing through her, the screams of women, children and men filled her ears. Were their friends going to die? Ariel knew the bitter fate that would happen if they died.. They’d cease to exist. No accounts of angels dying has ever occurred, but rumors had it that demons found a way to kill angels residing on Earth.

Angels in heaven couldn’t be killed, but the ones who chose to live on Earth of course had consequences to their decisions. Afriel was different. He was born unlike regular angel’s. This was possible when two former humans that were turned into angels ask permission to have a child. Usually, this wish would only be granted for those that had a stillborn. He could bleed like man, however, he couldn’t die in the same ways they could. There was something special about him, yet she couldn’t put her finger on it. Ariel quickly hurried to her son’s room, yet he was no where to be found!  “Afriel sweetie, please stop hiding, this isn’t a game. Mommy needs you to come over to her so we can leave together..” She said.   “S-someone was in here mom..” Afriel whimpered, slowly coming out from underneath the bed. Ariel didn’t hesitate to sweep him up and run out the room without looking back. “You can tell me about what you saw later sweetie.” She looked around, heading for the door as she went out the house, holding Afriel closely. The boy remained silent as his mother made her way across the fields, the other houses were on fire. There were scary looking creatures all over the place just terrorizing people! Afriel glanced at the ground only to notice a familiar persons head on the ground. The boy let out a scream as he began to tremble violently. He was scared! “M-Mrs. Elena!” Afriel whimpered as his grip on his mother tightened. There was blood oozing from her dismembered head. The rest of her body had deep chew marks on the flesh. Elena’s guts were just laying on the floor only centimeters away from his mother’s feet.  “Shh Afriel” Ariel whispered as she covered his eyes, looking away from the body. Not only that, but there were children split in half as well. She hurried through the fields, people running back and forth not sure what to even do. Others were being guided by Isaac to safety while the demons chased the unfortunate ones.  

Some civilian warriors decided to fight back as well, Isaac would be soon to join them. Among the dark creatures were orcs, hellhounds, cyclops, etc. Afriel just couldn’t stop whimpering after what he saw, no child should have to see anything like that. “These demons have no morals.. How could they harm the children?” Ariel whispered as she found a good hiding spot due to the demons being all over the place.  All the screaming and shouting seemed to have died down. It became deadly silent. Ariel.. She could no longer feel Isaac’s life force. It was only them now. Ariel listened closely as she heard multiple footsteps coming towards their hiding spot, did they sense them? She couldn’t risk losing Afriel. “Sweetie, I’ll be back, don’t move.” She gave Afriel a tight hug. Ariel just knew that’d be the last time they’d see each other. “M0mmy.. I love you..” Afriel said softly as he looked down. “You’re going to die just like daddy..  Just like Mrs. Elena.. Just like those kids.. Aren’t you? Will I die too?” He asked, looking up at her as the tears strolled down his cheeks.  Ariel’s eyes widened at his question as she got up, giving him a sincere smile. “Of course not silly.. Angels just go right back up to heaven. Maybe someday you’ll see me and your father again, just not now. Don’t you ever forget who you are. You’re the angel of youth, my son.” She wiped away Afriel’s tears, waving goodbye as she walked away from the rubble hid behind a wall, peeking out at the demons that were coming.  “These mortal creatures are oh so weak.~ Wait- this one has a different smell.” one of the demons growled as they stabbed their claws through the child’s leg who tried to sneak past him. A scream of course left their mouth. “Ugh, do they have to sound this annoying when they get hurt? Maybe if I ripped out that little tongue of yours you’d be a bit more interesting. Now, tell me, did we leave anyone out? Our kingdom needs to flourish, and these blood sacrifices will help us do that. I’ll spare your life if you tell me.” Flauros whispered as he gazed upon the child with his three eyes.  “T-there’s an angel woman and a ch-”  “Hey! Over here you filthy looking monster!” Ariel shouted as she waved her hands. Flauros slit his claws upwards which split the child in half from head to toe. “Get her hellhounds!” He shouted. The beasts growled loudly, they were bigger than a wolf.

The hounds began to chase after Ariel, she was leading them away from Afriel. Ariel quickly spread out her wings to fly as she was soon brought down by the hounds, Flauros making his way over as he moved his black hair out of his face. “I’d love to kill you, or even let these hounds have their way with you.. But.. Watching angels suffer mentally is even more pleasing. You wont be fighting me, but something you ‘perfect’ creatures fear the most..” He whispered.  Ariel’s eyes widened as she noticed the dark energy that formed in the males hand. It was corruption! “Begone in the name of the Lord you foul demon! You can not destroy those of light!” Ariel hissed, only to be slapped across the face. “Hush woman. God can’t save you now, he abandoned you, all of you. The blood moon means a new era for us demons. We’re stronger, he’ll have to work harder to make something better than you annoying pests.” Flauros purred, he was enjoying her being feisty, too bad that wouldn’t last long. “Blasphemy! God has something planned, just you wait..” She closed her eyes tightly as his hand soon pierced through her chest, the darkness filling within her as she screamed out in pain. “You know, it’s basic science. Angels and demons are sworn enemies, and what do angels hate most? Corruption. Your body wont be able to handle the new cells being placed within you.” He soon got up, Ariel spazzing out on the floor as if she was having a seizure. Her brown skin seemed to now have holes poking through it, light emerging as she would now burst into flames. It was like an everlasting pain! Why couldn’t she just die? It all hurt so bad.  Her body was twisting in different directions, she just became disfigured. Her arms were snapped out of place, her neck turned all the way back.. Her legs didn’t even look like legs anymore! Ariel’s body soon lost it’s physical form, she was no more.  Afriel watched as his mom basically died before him. He was alone now..  “That’s the last of em, collect the souls from their bodies Valac.” Flauros said. “Hounds, stop sodomizing that man’s body damn it.” He added on, kicking the hounds as they growled, walking away.  Valac huffed and nodded. The oni began to make his way over, though noticing a pair of eyes watching him through the rubble. The demon took a moment, but he turned away, walking off.

 Afriel felt his heart stop, why did the demon walk away? This didn’t make any sense. After the souls were collected from the body, the demons sent them down to the underworld for the great feast. This would allow the rest to ascend onto the Earth and live there. Their purpose was to dominate the world and wreak havoc. They didn’t want to live peacefully. News reached the other kingdoms about what happened at the small village of Yanda ( A made up place somewhere in Africa  ), they were all in a panic!  Morning soon arrived, Afriel was curled up tightly within the rubble, the smell of rotting flesh filled his nostrils. He quickly sat up, squeaking softly as he held his head. He hit it against a wooden plank. Afriel sniffled softly as he crawled out, getting up as he made his way across the bloodstained fields. What was the point? Where would he go? The boy fell to his knees as he let out a loud cry, gripping his hair. Bodies were just piled up all around him, his friends, family, everyone was dead..  Suddenly, he heard the sound of horses coming closer to where he was. Before he knew it, they stopped right before him. Afriel quickly backed up, clearly scared. He’s seen some shit after all. “S-stay away! Humans are just as bad as demons!” Afriel whimpered, beginning to pick up rocks to pelt at them. A young man rose a brow as he dodged, though getting hit in the head with one.

“Oi.. Relax kiddo, we’re just a group of friendly priests, well.. Exorcist to be exact. My name is Takeyo.” He said with a sincere smile, hopping off the horse as he slowly went over, holding his hand out for the boy.  “K-kiddo?” Afriel began to tear up as he quickly went over and hugged the male tightly, burying his face into his stomach as he sobbed. His father used to call him that all the time.   Takeyo’s eyes widened as he slowly patted Afriel on the head, noticing the wings on his back. “An angel, huh? Just like the one in my vision.. Skin with unique patterns, white hair blue eyes and yellow wings.. ” He whispered softly, glancing over at the priests as they nodded. “You’re safe with us. I’ll even adopt you if you want.” He grinned.   Afriel sniffled an slowly stopped crying once he was picked up and placed on the horse. “I-I want to help people too.. I want to stop demons..” He mumbled. They were clearly shocked to hear such from him, but none of them disagreed to it.  “Your’re the link between invincibility for demons and the survival of the angels.. I guess it’s unavoidable.” Takeyo stated. “ From that day forth, Takeyo became Afriel’s foster father. To protect the demons from sensing Afriel, his wings were clipped and they wiped his memories of him being an angel. This of course doesn’t mean his wings will never grow back. He didn’t see his parents as angels but as humans, the same with himself. If they were to get information of something that Afriel knew, it’d be risky and put all the kingdoms at stake. These humans that Afriel worked with learned all sorts of new skills. They’d use light magic, though it often got shunned on, so people were burnt at stakes for doing “witchcraft”. The exorcist had it easier since their magic was seen as holy. Though those who used it in the wrong way did need to be punished.  Demons often made their way into villages and cities to wreak havoc. They’d blend in just like people but possess or feast on them at night. In Afriel’s mind, all demons were evil. Not one of them should be spared. Though, some people had a lot of compassion and simply banished the creatures of the dark to their own land where they could rule. They had a whole continent and a sea to themselves. This is what made up the different factions on the land. There are the creatures of light, darkness, and the neutral ones. Afriel already knows that all beings are capable of being bad, but he simply plans on exterminating the cold-hearted demons. He’s seen too many innocent people die at the hands of demons. A lot of time passed and Afriel’s wings slightly grew back, this was after he was told of what he is. He was 20 now. Afriel couldn’t consider his time around other people to be fun, racist comments were thrown at him majority of the time. He even got funny looks because of his vitiligo. Besides that, Afriel recalled the time the truth finally came out. However, Takeyo wasn’t the one to tell him, but a demon. Valac could of killed Afriel, but he didn’t. Afriel returned the favor by letting Valac live. He had morals, it just wouldn’t be right to do any harm onto him unless he needed to. Of course that same day Afriel was upset at Takeyo for not telling him the full truth, but he eventually calmed down. Now that the information was out, the demons felt that their plans might crumble.

Their leader, Lucifer, refused to come to Earth for trivial reasons. They had to think on something and fast.  It was in the middle, Afriel took his daily soak at the small waterfall. It was almost like a lake, though the colors that it showed were beautiful. The water glistened in the night, reflecting the moonlight. Afriel trailed his hands across his soft brown skin, gazing up at the stars. He became rather serious as time passed, though he still shared a few smiles around his new family. The male slowly closed his eyes to just enjoy the peaceful serenity around him. If only everyday could be like this, he’d be happier. Takeyo would never stop nagging Afriel about when he’d settle down with a nice woman, Afriel would always try to avoid that question at all cost. The other priest found it amusing and often hinted that they think Afriel is gay. They even did some innocent teasing about Afriel having the butt of a woman.  He always got flustered over any topic about romance and his looks. Romance was the last thing this angel wanted. Maybe he was just a bit insecure or too careful. What could it possibly be? Afriel soon pouted as he flipped his hair back out of his face, though he noticed something that was a distance with the corner of his eye. “What in the heavens was that?” He mumbled, slowly swimming over to reach for his stuff. His African accent was rich yet soft. His words would come out as clear, some often described it as alluring. “Looks like we found ourselves a pretty one.” A distorted voice purred, another one cackling rather loudly. “Indeed, and this might be the Angel of Youth if I’m correct.”  

Afriel’s eyes narrowed as he glanced at the marking of the eye and cross on his right hand. He didn’t have anything sharp to use to draw blood. He had to think fast, he was naked, weaponless, he was a sitting duck basically!  “Let’s make a deal, cutie. You come with us and we wont consider burning down that city you live in down to the ground. Don’t expect us to take no for an answer either.” The demon scoffed. Afriel bit his lip as he rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I’ll come with you guys alright. Give me a second.” He slowly made his way out of the water, quickly picking up his clothes and sword as he made a run for it.  “Damn it! You can’t run from us you bitch!” The demons both said as they began to run after Afriel. He began to put his clothes on while running, looking for a good spot to hide. Afriel soon stopped behind a tree as he pierced his right hand with the blade, beginning to chant. “Lord I say unto the, help me to win this fight against these fiends. Be my sword.” He whispered, the wound instantly healing as the sword began to glow. Now he could use it against the monstrous creatures since it was blessed. Sure, Afriel could of just used his magic against the demons, but he liked to toy with them basically. The first demon soon noticed him as it lounged right at the male. Afriel quickly evaded, though getting a slight scratch on the arm. He grunted and quickly sliced at the demons head as it fell to the ground and caught on fire. It’s shrieking was so annoying. “You’re next.” Afriel said coldly as he gazed at the demon, walking towards it.  “I’d hate to burst you bubble, but you should watch where you’re stepping.” It snickered. Afriel’s eyes widened as he looked down. He walked right onto the demon’s seal that would paralyze him. “Tsk, looks like you got me..”He was slowly brought down onto his knees, trying to struggle just to move. Bounds were now wrapped around him, his eyes narrowed.   “The more you struggle, the tighter those bounds get. Flauros will be pleased once he sees you.” The demon purred, soon going to stroke underneath Afriel’s chin, only to feel a sharp sting. “Ah! Damn it..” He removed his hand, looking at his sizzling finger.

Regular demons couldn’t lay a finger on angels. The higher classed demons could easily do that though due to being more immune to holiness.  Afriel’s eyes soon filled with rage when he heard that name. “F-Flauros.... He’s behind all these deaths, isn’t he?”  He growled lowly, tensing up. That name just brought back a lot of unwanted memories.  He didn’t know what that demon looked like, but the name remained within his memories no matter if he wanted them there or not. Just recently, a lot of people were said to come down with the ‘corruption sickness’. Afriel and the exorcists decided to just call it demonic possession.  This only occurred at midnight, or sometimes around the witching hour, 3 AM.. Some demon’s really loved residing in the humans bodies due to their looks and some of the dark energy residing in their hearts. Other species didn’t even need to get possessed. Some were so scared that they’d completely switch sides, this would have a cause some of their features to change. They usually got horns, bat like wings, and red eyes. Now, you didn’t always have to be born a demon or angel. Those who died got sent to the purgatory. The suffering souls there would have to expiate their sins before going to heaven.  They would be faced with different tests to prove they are worthy to go to heaven. After that, they’d undergo purification. If these souls failed, they got sent to the underworld and became demons.  Others chose to roam the Earth forever, these were usually ghosts. “Say, are all of you demons bad? Cause I wouldn’t mind sending you all back to where you came from.” “I’ll leave that to your imagination. Who knows, you might even fall in love with one without knowing.” They were soon teleported to Sheol, the Kingdom of Darkness. Afriel could feel the instant change in their environment. There was also barely any light. How could anyone survive in such horrible conditions?  Afriel closed his eyes as he tried to imagine himself in a calm place. He didn’t want to get too worked out, he had to be calm to face this situation. Afriel just seemed to zone everything out as he was taken by a different demon guard, others watching seemed to be yelling and shouting. He didn’t even feel like making out their words. All Afriel wanted was to see that fiend that killed his parents.  Finally, he stopped being dragged.

The male soon opened his eyes as he was right before Flauros.  “So this is the one that got away.. You know, I expected you to look a lot tougher. They might as well have sent a woman, I would surely have even more fun just like I had with your mother.”  He said, his 3 red eyes trailing upon Afriel as he smirked. The angel let out a yell as he broke the seal, charging after Flauros. “I am going to kill you!” Afriel snapped. The oni’s eyes widened, perhaps underestimating an angel’s strength was a bad idea. However, he loved challenges. He was 8ft tall, Flauros felt that he could knock the male to his feet without even trying. Though, it seemed that his judgement was wrong, something in Afriel changed. Flauros didn’t like the idea of not knowing hat it could be. A bright light began to surround Afriel, he was using energy manipulation. Afriel hadn’t used his powers against anyone in a while, but he wasn’t holding back this time. “You will atone for your sins today Flauros!” Afriel snarled as the light energy soon turned into a spear and it went right through the demon’s chest. Flauros gasped as he began to vomit out black blood, falling to the floor as he yelled in agony. The angel made his way over, the energy now turned into a holy blade as he was just getting ready to cut off the oni’s head. “Guards! Hurry up and kill off the slaves! Let’s see if you have enough time to save them or kill me..” Flauros stated as he grinned. Being good-natured, Afriel knew he couldn’t pursue in killing Flauros.  “You spineless-” He shook his head and dashed off after the guards. Afriel knew he shouldn’t be driven by revenge, but he wanted to beat the living shit out of that guy. Afriel used holy seals on the demons as they would burst into flames, blood was just flying all over the place. By the time Afriel got to the cells, his hair was drenched in demon blood.

The male panted softly as the people seemed to cheer. “Look, keep it down, more demons should be on their way, I’m going to get you people out of here, don’t worry.” Afriel said softly as he gave them a reassuring smile. He soon opened up the cells after he took the keys off one of the dead orc’s body. Afriel began to chant a protection spell on them. This would last four 8 hours, that was enough time for them to run to safer lands. The demons wouldn’t be able to come near them because of that. Once that was finished, Afriel sighed in relief as he lowered his eyes. He used up too much energy. His vision just seemed to fade, the last thing he saw was a tall figure walking towards him. Afriel just knew this wasn’t going to turn out well.  2 years passed since Afriel was held prisoner in Sheol. He was rescued by his fellow exorcist who were looking for him all that time. They had to make a concrete plan to free him and it definitely worked. There have been no reports of Flauros residing on earth. Most assumed that he went back to the underworld in hiding. Afriel wasn’t at a good mindset then after being physically and mentally abused, but he found himself taking joy in preaching at a local church Takeyo owned. A lot happened while he was away from society.

A treaty had been made that allowed neutral demons and other creatures of the night to reside among the other species. Though, they wouldn’t be able to feed off of them, only animals. Of course some waited till night to do their dirty deeds. That’s where Afriel and the exorcists came in handy. Other than that, he was a priest by day and an exorcist at night. - End of prologue -----------  Full Name: Afriel Chinue Lukahr  Meaning of first name: Angel of Youth. This name was given to Afriel due to not being able to age, however, he can die any other way. 

Also Known As: Father Afriel ( As in religious terms since he's an exorcist ), Luka

Pronunciation: Af-Re-Ehl, Chi-Nuu-Eh,  Luu-Car

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual ( Although in the canon he hasn’t been in a relationship, he can make a great partner. However, it’ll be rather hard to catch his attention ) 

Alignment: Lawful Good 

Date of Birth: June 3rd 

Zodiac Sign: Gemini 

Occupation: Exorcist. When Afriel isn't exercising demons, he’s an assistant priest at the “Kuzuna Church of God”

Place of Birth: Yanda ( A random madeup village in Africa, kay ) 

Personality: Being that Afriel was taken in by a group of Exorcist's, he tends to have his religious beliefs which often gets in the way of what he actually wants. He has a lot of faith, and has the "holier than thou" attitude. Once someone gets to know Afriel personally, they will learn that he just wants what's best for those he cares about. He often finds it hard to express his feelings properly, and often fears getting judged. Behind all that toughness, there's a gentle, loving, and loyal man. That's why he tries to be such a strong role model to others. Most would describe Afriel as serious, moody, and often submissive to those above him. He values the law, but if it goes against his morals, he's sure to defy whatever law was placed before him. Surely, Afriel will put someone in their place if he needs to, which shows the dominant side of his personality. If Afriel has to choose between saving people or killing off someone that caused him deep pain, he’d save the people.

Despite his rather feminine like appearance, Afriel is strong. He specializes in Bō and also uses a sword. He's always up for a challenge. 

Favorite Food: Plantain, Chicken Muamba- Afriel prefers to eat food that is usually cultural due to all the different spices.

Least Favorite Food: Salmon 

Likes: Sword Fighting, Making magic seals, Singing, Reading Poetry, Helping People Out,   Those who are able to handle themselves, Sometimes cooking

Dislikes: Feeling as if he's being used, Being lied to, Being annoyed, Not being able to help, Going against his own morals/beliefs, demons

Deepest Secret: Afriel deeply enjoys getting told what to do, rather than him having to do that most of the time. Just seeing how fierce and dominant they can get is surely intriguing to him. He loves someone that can challenge him.

Fears: Afriel is afraid of losing his way, and his beliefs being torn to parts right in front of him. He does't know how he'd function without something to look up to, which also can be considered a weakness of his. 

Blood Mother ( Ariel Lukahr ): Deceased  Blood Father ( Isaac Lukahr ): Deceased

Foster Father ( Takeyo Kuzuna ): Alive 

Physical Information 

Species: Angel  

Ethnicity: Black 

Height: 5'6 

Weight: 122 Ibs 

Eye color: Cadet Blue

Skin Color: Brown 

Clothing Style: Afriel usually wears a white cloak with gold designs when he's out on the job. His clothes usually are long sleeved and some tight pants or just fitting trousers. When Afriel isn't doing his job, you can see him wearing a turtle neck sweater, or sometimes sleeveless clothes. 

Jewelry: Two golden hoop earrings, a cross necklace, an anklet 

Scars/Markings: Afriel's left side of his face are lighter than the rest of his body due to him having vitiligo. He has a white symbol representing an eye on his head, and white line markings going across horizontally on his face. Afriel has a tattoo of an eye and cross on his left hand, and the rest of his body underneath of his clothes is also where his vitiligo affects him.

Turn-On's: It’s better that you find out in rp. ;^)

Position: Switch/Seke