Preacher Pascal



2 years, 7 months ago


weird little magic man who wobbles like a jenga tower at the slightest breeze and likes to wear big hats. Always seems to know just a little too much about you.

zany fuck who kinda makes the town he enters take a little dip outside of whats thought of as NORMAL and REAL.
Does odd, senseless things for some unknown greater purpose, which further derail the town and plunge it into a moderately pleasant surreal hellscape.
Everyone is aware, nobody quite has the heart to stop him. He just looks so pitiful!

His biggest achievement so far has been infesting the town with KUDZU and taking the souls of about 237 citizens for 'safekeeping' until the angel comes and rescues them all :) leaving said citizens bodies to shamble like zombies  as they await this wondrous moment.
Understandably, not everyones a fan.

NAME: Pascal Malo DeRochefort 

ALIAS:  The Stranger

SPECIES: Human? Has exhibited some psychic abilities and knowledge of witchcraft.

GENDER: male he/him

AGE: 28

OCCUPATION:  N/A, self-proclaimed emissary of an angel

CURRENT RESIDENCE:  Tends to switch up his squats, but currently living in a quaint little flat downtown with a balcony and an elderly white cat.

PERSONALITY: Mischievous, certainly. A proclivity for providing cryptic answers or deflecting entirely. A charming presence, doesn't shy away from garnering pity or disgust either, if it helps further his point. Has a flair for the dramatics, his theater kid upbringing shining through much of what he does. And even though The Stranger is selfish and cruel, his mannerisms captivate; his words stick more than most would like to admit.    Malo has a tendency to be extremely single-minded, seemingly always on the job 24/7. Similarly, his self awareness seems nonexistent. He never realizes the double meanings his words often carry, and has a tendency to both say and do rash things without ever considering the consequences. Tends to go through life like its an improv class; very “yes, and” attitude.    Can seem unpredictable on account of him having to know other realities of himself and sometimes mistaking their identities for his own.

BACKSTORY: Pascal’s vocabulary betrays a southern origin, as does his fondness for wide brim hats and cowboy boots. He is willing to admit that once he had been a travelling preacher. His love of saints and theatrics place him somewhere in the more orthodox catholic side of things. Sometimes he would recall names: Suarez, Mac, Maryland… But none of that matters, not really.

At 24, Pascal is struck by lightning. That’s when it happens. In that sliver of a second, the aether splits, and as the sinkhole opens below him, so does the sky above. He calls her angel, the thing that shows itself to him. They do not speak, not really, but he is struck with the overwhelming beauty of the creature. She, who, in her endless benevolence, peels back his brain to encompass the knowledge of every meeting they have ever had, every string of conversation theoretically possible, within every world that both exists and does not. This temporal auto-omnipotence lets him understand instantaneously the very essence of the Angel. Of the salvation it offers. Of its grief for the human race, and the mistake of their very existence. It is then that he understands the true scope of the Angel’s operations. It is not bound by heaven, or hell, or gods of any sort. There exists only the vaguest notion of a universal plan, to which the Angel is both judge and executor. He also knows, now, that the very meaning of his existence is to hurt. Even the Angel, wondrous and omnipotent, thinks this. The Angel wishes to save humanity from an existence laced with entropy, leading only to death. When his consciousness widens to the experience, he feels himself absolved of the guilt over any hurt that he had ever caused. It dissipates all the violence ever dealt unto him.    

And when the moment is finally over, he blinks and the sight of the Angel itself boils his eye in its very socket. After, he is convinced the sight of such ethereal beauty has rendered every other sight bleak in return, lacking, somehow. The world quite literally becomes an ugly place, and he is turned with it. After, he made it his mission to travel the states and turn as many good folk over to the angel for their very own dose of salvation. The angel, he claims, had even bestowed upon him some gifts to help the process. 

REPUTATION: Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know of a friend of a friend of a friend whos been affected by The Stranger’s touch. He is single-handedly responsible for the creation of ‘the hazy folk’. It is generally agreed upon that even engaging a man you believe to be The Stranger in conversation can be dangerous. There are plenty of rumors of The Stranger doing ever more bizarre things of varying levels of menace: everything starting from introducing invasive species of plants to the local graveyard to leaving boxes of knives at a daycare.Malo, on the other hand, is known at the local Senior Center to be a charming benevolent dance instructor who sponsors the biweekly dance accompanied by live music and free lessons for the elderly. 

  • -A creature wrecked by constant nausea and repulsion simply from perceiving the world around him. Don’t hold it against him when he winces at the sight of your face. 
  • -Always seen wearing a handful of seemingly identical worn down cheap little pendants that hang low over his chest, along with a more traditional cross. 
  • -Typical histrionic PD, and following the angel-trauma has developed something akin to DID and dyscalculia. Tends to disassociate quite a lot, even moment to moment(which may explain the lack of self awareness) and struggles especially hard to say the right kind of dates and years in regards to himself.  Please don't make him do math. 
  • -Has a rough black stone orb in the place of his missing eye. Often likes to clean it in public, or pop it out and start scratching at his eye socket. In general can be quite gross and show a great disregard to any proper manners. 
  • -about 5'6-5'7, extremely closeted gay. Cancer zodiac sign. 
  • -Has a latex allergy. 
  • -Very active sleeptalker, may move around, though never to an extreme degree. Will rarely actually manage to get out of bed.