Sankte Malloria



2 years, 6 months ago


A virgin saint from  4th century Byzantine.  Claims to have been visited by an angel, who brings her back from the dead after she is struck by lightning. After their meeting, which is also witnessed by the young nun's entire congregation, she sets off on a mission to help and heal people while spreading the angel's message.

Following a horrific second death, she is eventually pardoned and officially iconized. 

In recognition of her great contributions to medicine and healing practices becomes one of the Fifteen Holy Helpers.

-Had personal ties to a local reclusive pagan(if not satanic) sect and its leader, Barnabas, The Plaguebearer. Often seen with him, even invited him into her own home under the guise of trying to heal the horrific decay of his body. The Saint saw the two of them as equals and often cited the other to be a prophet same as her.