Wishy Washy & Grew Gag




Wishy-Washy & Grew Gag
Rushton Rabbits | Late 20's | Male's


I do not own Grew Gag! He belongs to my sister who does not have a Toyhouse (:

Wishy-Washy and Grew Gag are old OC's of me and my sister, they were remade a few times

They are both Rushton-like rabbits, with furry bodies but smooth and skin-like faces with bunny-like features, much like a Rushton doll.


Childish, spiritual, playful, Aggressive, Wishy-Washy.

Grew Gag

Cold, Straight forward, smart, blunt, Science-based, passive.


There is not a one-yet universe they reside in, it's just like a bunch of AU's because we couldn't choose which direction to go in because we like them all, so far they belong to about 4 universes.
The universes usually go like this:

Wishy is a Serial killer, Gru is a Scientist
Wishy is an arsonist, while Gru is an Architect
Wishy is a patient, while Gru is a Psychologist

Wishy is a Daredevil, Gru is a Doctor

They are typically opposites, but what brings them together as friends are they both have a moral code of "You do you boo" so they accept each other and even enjoy the banter. When they fight, it's usually a soft back and forth of quips and wisecracks. Both trying to one-up the other. In the end, they both think the other is "cute" for believing that way.

In most universes, they usually banter softly, but then get stuck in an apocalypse and team up. One or the other of them typically end up dying an awful death.

Apocalypse's can range from religious to worldly based, such as a deadly zombie-like virus, to a spiritual-based one.

There are many things in Wishy-Washy's "BAG OF FUN", 2 knives, his baby blanket, religious artifacts, a red bowtie, mace, improperly packaged snacks, small items stolen from Gru's house that he wouldn't miss.

Though they disagree on a lot of worldly things, they both agree on the existence of aliens. They often like to go alien-hunting or show each other videos of the proof of aliens.

Wishy has told Grew-Gag, "You think too much!" And Grew will respond, "You don't think enough!" Which ends in a giggling snort from them both.

In a lot of ways, they have been described as two livings Yin-yang's, both complementing each other in different ways that meet the other one's needs. Even if they do banter.

Wishy-Washy has two names, the other name for him is Alton. He changes names a lot to escape the justice system. He is very good at mimicking other people's handwriting and has forged legal documents, with the help of Gru to even understand what the document is saying of course. It usually ends with Gru's head on the desk repeating "Why am I helping you fool the justice system?" With Wishy responding, "Because you love me!"

Grew is an overthinker, he's a bit of a neat and stressed-out perfectionist. Wishy hardly thinks at all and is a bit impulsive and carefree. Grew ties to keep Wishy controlled and out of trouble, while Wishy tries to get Grew to lay back and enjoy life without worrying too much about it.

Their species is very romantic, they plan on Marriage soon.

"You idiot."


HTML Profile by Coywolfy
