


2 years, 7 months ago


Quotes: "Beep beep boop"

Name: Massbot

Nicknames/Titles: Hammer Unit XXIII, Little Guy with Big Hammer

Gender: Genderless

Species: Robot

Appearance: Massbot is a little cubic like robot made of black and grey metal from unknown origin. They stand on two square like feet and has for main asset a giant hammer with a spike on the other side as only hand, being held by a yellow shoulder protection. Their eyes are light grey.

Personality: Originally a preprogrammed robot, Massbot managed to somehow develop a personality of his own. While still thinking most of the time like a classic machine, he has shown attraction toward natural things, like flowers and butterflies, making him lose focus. He remain a hard worker when needed. Massbot is unable to talk, and so communicate with various robotic sounds, including "Beep" and "Boop". He was shown to also enjoy greatly the company of other robots, like D3D3D3 or N0UN0UN3.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons:

-Massive Hammer : Due to being a robot, Massbot can smash things pretty easily. He is also able to spin his wrist part easily, making the spike of the hammer be a dangerous asset as well.

-Solid Armor : The metal he is made of is currently unknown, and remain quite solid, even being able to withstand fire.

-Analysis : Because Massbot was originally a repairing robot, he can easily analyse and find a problem in machineries.


-Speed : While Massbot can move this hammer of his quite fast, it cannot be said the same for his general mobility. The hammer is heavy enough to limite his course and his jumps.

-Battery : Massbot do have a battery. While he automatically try to recharge it, preventing him to do so can cause him to just fall in sleep mode.


Somewhere in the wide outer space around the V-Mension, a satellite was gathering energy from the stars. And the only inhabitant of this satellite was a little robot. The Hammer Unit XXIII was charged of fixing problems on the satellite. Days and centuries passed, yet the robot was still on his tasks, walking around the satellite, fixing it and watching those same stars which offered so much energy. By this time, the civilization who had created both them and this satellite were long gone. And one day, an event happened, which would change this robot forever. A meteor took the direction of the satellite and in not more than 3 seconds, it was all gone, in pieces. And yet...Something survived...A certain little robot was left floating in space. And eventually, they took the hard fall down the V-Mension, crashing in the Blacksand Desert. They had been damaged but were still alive. They were also eventually found by Mek, the engineer, who repaired them the best he could. The robot, now named Massbot, became since a trusty friend which has shown curiousity toward the new things he faced. Hard to tell, but it seem losing the task they were provided with allowed them to open themselves.

Fun facts:

-Massbot was originally made of Legos IRL.

-Massbot spin their hammer in sign of friendship.

-Massbot work on Star Energy, like the Satellite they used to work on.

-Massbot like to play Baseball. He is an excellent catcher and pitcher.