
2 years, 6 months ago




"Quote here..."
SpeciesTimber Wolf Demon 
Orientation Unknown
Residence None
Status Alive
Design Notes
  • Her pupils are white, not black
  • She always wears her goggles 
  • Has scars all over her body 
  • Her fur design is symmetrical 

Yuta's personality traits are - Aggressive, Loyal, Brave, Caring, Misunderstood, Grumpy

  •  Yuta is almost completely blind. With her glasses she can see blurry objects 
  • She is terrified of the dark and mice 
Demon Slayer 
Has the ability to kill demons effectively and knows exactly how to kill them and not allow them to over power her 


Yuta was born to Countess Antonella but was abandoned by her shortly after birth. A relatively small pack of werewolves find her and they live in the mountain range north of the country. She grew up with the same group of wolves for years until they decided to move territory. Where they were originally the food was running scarce which had never happened to the pack. They decided something bigger than them had to be hunting their prey or at least it was scaring them away. During the pack's migration south they get attacked by something. Yuta and two others are the only ones who survive the attack and afterwards none of them are sure what it was that attacked them. It motivates them to move quicker to try and avoid another attack. However, that night they are attacked again and this time it's only Yuta who survives. She is badly wounded but flees out of the mountain range and into a small valley. There, alone, she starts to try and track down any other wolf packs who may be close by. But when dark falls again she knows she is in danger, but she prepares herself to fight this time. When the creature appears from the darkness Yuta attacks it and a massive fight between them breaks out. Ultimately and against all the odds Yuta manages to win and scares the creature off however, it's only when it leaves her alone she realises how badly injured she is now. She has cuts all over her body and wounds on her face which have gone into her eyes slightly. Knowing in this state she now wouldn't stand a chance against anything on her own she goes into the forest to take cover and hide so she has time to heal.

In the days that follow her attack Yuta’s wounds start to get infected. The main ones which get really bad are the ones on her face, especially around her eyes. It takes a few days until she starts to lose the sight in both her eyes. During this time her eyes also bleed a lot and she cannot stop it which also means she can't hunt. As she gets the weaker the worse the infections get and soon she is completely blind and in excruciating amounts of pain. 

Although everything looks hopeless and that she should just give up completely, Yuta suddenly gets the drive to survive this and live. Having been starved for over two weeks, blind and covered in wounds Yuta gets up and starts wandering out from her hiding place. She navigates the forest completely by scent. After wandering completely lost for a few hours she is found by a hunter who lived in the forest. Seeing the state that she's in he decides to capture her and try to help her even though he isn't too sure if it's too late for her or not. He doesn't outright decide to kill her due to how mangled she is and her pelt is not in good condition.

In the hunters' care Yuta actually starts to improve after several months and the man, along with his wife, decide to keep her as a pet. They get her a brown leather collar and a name tag, they name her Yuta. Despite being initially from a completely wild wolf pack she is fairly docile. Most of the time she spends with the hunters she is adapting to her new circumstances of being blind. The wife decides she wants to try and help Yuta get some type of vision back so she makes Yuta her glasses. The glasses do not restore her vision, however they help her to be able to make out blurred shapes so she can navigate her environment slightly better. 

After staying with them for around a year Yuta has to leave them when their home is attacked. Her owners were instantly killed and instead of hanging around and fighting them again Yuta runs back into the forest, but she has a destination in mind this time. She heads back to the mountains, she had heard her humans talking about a cave they wanted to find but could never locate. It takes her a while but she finds the cave she heard the hunters talking about and finds the artefact they were actually after. It is a blue crystal dagger, she takes it and leaves the cave. Outside of it the evil entity which had killed her entire pack and humans was waiting for her. This time, armed with the dagger, she fights it. As soon as she plunges the danger into the entity's chest where it's heart should have been it turned to dust and disappeared, that's when it clicked for her, she had found the Demon Slayer dagger.

From that day forward Yuta becomes the next Demon Slayer, as she has the only object which can effectively kill them. She remains a lone wolf and does not actively search for any pack to join. Her job is extremely dangerous and she does not want to put anyone else at unnecessary risk since there is only one dagger.
